
Personal Narrative Essay: The Sovereign Takapuna Thron

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I have dabbled in triathlons in Winnipeg and when we saw posters advertising a triathlon on our local beach, we figured it was time to pony up and try one in New Zealand. The Sovereign Takapuna triathlon is the final leg of a triathlon series run through the summer all around New Zealand sponsored by Sovereign Insurance. Takapuna Beach is just two kilometres from our house so it was easy to make the commitment to go. One of the big negatives about triathlons around Winnipeg is that they involve getting up very early in the morning to drive at least an hour to make an early morning start time. My start time here was 11:30 and Dennis started at 1:30 so we were free to sleep in, have a normal morning, and then ride for ten minutes to arrive at the race venue. Easy! I haven't been training much …show more content…

Well, no such luck. Though cloudy, it wasn't raining on Sunday morning and I nervously went to the race. My goals for triathlon are fairly straightforward - I don't want to be last and I don't want to feel like I need to barf at the end. I managed to reach my goals and have some fun and new experiences along the way and perhaps learned a few life lessons. At the start, I met an 85 year old women who was in my race and her 85 year old husband who would race later with the men. I cajoled him into taking my picture to immortalize forever my first New Zealand race. Lesson 1 - there are people out there doing some fabulous, admirable things like racing at 85. Don't be such a wimp! The swim leg went well enough. I was a little off course once or twice. One of the skills of open water swimming is to keep the marker buoy in sight so you are always on course and not adding extra distance to the swim by zigzagging along the course. Lesson 2 - I need to work on better sighting technique on the

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