
Personal Narrative Essay: The War On Drugs

Decent Essays

Everyone has had the childhood memory of teachers, parents, and even your old folks saying “Don’t do drugs they’ll mess up your life and you won’t amount to anything.” Even more so with my mom after all being brought up with a drug dealer dad can alter your perception on many things and for kid who saw things that was far more mature then what 5 year old child should see. Which as a kid that is very frightening and would scare away the thought of consuming drugs or anything in that area. Unfortunately as the old saying goes “curiosity kills the cat.” Which happens to most of the young adults entering high school as a freshman by the time we reach this point many of us have been exposed to many different types of story and takes on drugs some …show more content…

When I was with a couple of friends they had told me that getting high would change my life for the better and that I wouldn’t be stressed out with school or any of my problems that I had but as a kid I was always told by my mother that if I did drugs I would never amount to anything just like my dad. In my mind I saw this as the ultimate failure and it scared me to even think about the idea of drugs. Skipping forward to my sophomore year I was invited to my friend’s house and I thought nothing of it they said they want to try something new and it would be exciting I thought nothing of it. Once I arrived at my friend’s house we played basketball and other types of activities. Around 2 hours pass and one of my friends had said to wait in the front of his house and said he would be back real quick. He came back and had his hand in a fist and was looking around cautiously looking very mysterious, I thought he had a new phone and was going to show it off but when he looked at me he said to head to the back where another one of my friends was at behind a little …show more content…

I finally realized what he was about to do and what kind of situation I was in I thought about what everyone told me had told me and how I didn’t want to be like my dad. He put the lighter to the what I now know is called a “pipe” and started to smoke he passed it to the my other friend and he did the same, they looked at me and extended the pipe I said no and they started calling me names and saying that I was just scared to even try it once. Unfortunately I was the person that if someone challenged me on what I could do I would shut them up and do what they said couldn’t be done and well the events that happened are self-explanatory. At first I just coughed and thought that it had a horrible taste but a few minutes passed and I began to feel a my skin to feel smooth and I saw the trees blowing in slow-motion in that moment I felt a sense of freedom, stress free, and happy. I felt like this for 2 hours and when it was over I felt great. My perception of drugs change drastically I was hooked and addicted whenever I felt stressed or bored I went for the one thing that relieved me of it would wait till I got home and once the clock hit 1

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