
Personal Narrative: Experiencing Loss

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Experiencing loss is hopeless. I personally felt loss on the morning of February 4, 2010, when my father died from pancreatic cancer. After many years of surgeries, doctor appointments, chemotherapy, and fighting, the villains inside his body had ultimately won the battle. Entering through the tall glass doors of the hospital, I could see my mother walking down the hallway towards me. Although she tried to force a calming smile, her anxious expression and red puffy eyes filled me with panic. As she kneeled down to greet me with a hug, my brother immediately left my side to go to the ICU where my dad was being cared for. When I looked back at my mother, she began to smile through tears and guided me towards a gloomy room with numerous televisions and chairs. I climbed up onto one of the blue plastic cushions as my mother waited to tell me the worst news of my life. …show more content…

The doctors could not save him. My heart ached, and I wanted to run away instead of facing the cruel reality that my dad was not going to walk out of this hospital today or ever again. I cried hopeless tears as my mom slowly carried me to the far corner of the hospital where my dad had been placed by doctors hours before. When we reached the doorway to his room, I froze with hatred and anger. I could not comprehend why the doctors had no power or ability to fix the situation. I felt helpless and did not want to go inside the room where my dad was being held captive by countless wires and machines. However, I crawled onto the foot of the bed and held my dad’s legs as he continued taking shallow breaths. Ultimately, that is where I remained until a nurse came in several hours later to confirm he had passed

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