“Hello. It is very nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you from your daddy,” Anne whispered. She felt like she was dealing with a frightened animal. One loud noise and she would scamper away. Italian spices wafted through the air, enticing Anne’s stomach and causing it to grumble. “Something smells yummy.” Melanie gazed at Anne again. “Daddy made s’getti sauce.” “He did?” She glanced at Kyle one eyebrow raised. “You cook now?” “Yep. Sure do. Melanie helps me.” He grinned and kissed the girl’s cheek. “Why don’t we sit and chat for a bit.” “Daddy, can I get my good doll to show her?” “Yes you can, honey.” The little girl skipped down the hall and disappeared through a doorway, her other dolls forgotten on the floor. “She’s very cute.” …show more content…
Her name is Mavy. Maybe Daddy can bring you to my house, and you can visit us. Would you like that?” “Yay!” Melanie spun around and ran to her dad. “Can we go see her kitten, Daddy? Please?” She pushed her lips out and cocked her head, giving her dad the classic puppy dog plea. “I think that’s a great idea. You could meet Anne’s grandfather.” “You have a grandfather?” Melanie looked up at Anne. “A real grandfather?” “Yes, I do. He’s very old and sometimes grumpy, but he loves little girls. Your daddy knows him.” Melanie glanced over her shoulder at her daddy. “You do? How come I never met him?” “I haven’t seen him for a long time, honey. I knew him before, when Anne used to live with her grandparents.” “Where’d you go?” Melanie asked. “I went off to college, just like your daddy did. I moved back here a few weeks ago. You want to help me set the table?” She wasn’t comfortable answering so many questions. “Can I, Daddy?” Melanie asked her curls bouncing everywhere as she jumped up and down. “Only if you calm down, stop asking so many questions, and let Anne carry the dishes!” Kyle laughed. “You have her all wound up now,” he whispered to Anne. “Sorry,” she whispered back. “Are we going to eat here in the kitchen?” she …show more content…
Would you like me to get the salad out?” “Please. I’ll get the pasta plated. You still like yours covered with sauce?” He smiled knowingly. “Yep, and lots of cheese.” Kyle placed their plates on the table as Anne unwrapped the bread and placed it in a bowl. Melanie put her hands together and bowed her head. Anne smiled and closed her eyes as the little girl gave thanks for the food. As soon as she finished, she grabbed her fork and slurped her spaghetti. Just as Kyle went to tuck a napkin in the front of her shirt, sauce splattered on her top. Melanie’s eyes grew wide. “Sorry daddy. I did it again.” She shrugged her slight shoulders and giggled. Anne raised her eyebrows and smiled at him. She picked up her fork and twirled the pasta around her fork. Savoring the sauce, she swallowed and a moan escaped. “Oh, this is delicious. You made the sauce from scratch didn’t you?” Kyle beamed. “Yes I did. I’m glad you like it. It’s a special recipe.” He winked at her. “What are your plans for Christmas?” “Pop wants to have the dinner Gram made every year. So I’ll be baking and cooking. How about you?” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not sure yet.” After dinner, they cleaned up the dishes while Melanie watched a cartoon
“Yes that’s the one. He’s known us since we were tadpoles and he tells us about his adventures in the river.”
“You have no idea how bad it is in here. I longed for the day when I can cook you three a big dinner and clean that house. I’m sure it is pretty dirty.” She smiled.
“Bread,” he grunted. She handed him a piece, took one for herself. He took a couple of bites before
Amelia says. “Well he’s here now, he was always busy with work and everything. He needs to make money so you girls can live in a nice house and have everything you need.”
"And had he ever said that same thing to you' if anybody asked you haven't seen him'?"
"Right. We're having chicken and rice. Simple but it always has been a favorite of yours, Maxie hasn't it?" his mother said warmly.
“Yes, actually. I just took out a fresh tray of Macarons for you two to try!”
“Chicken parmesan.” I replied, placing a pan on the stove. I move to get the spices out of the cabinet above my head and he moves with me. I giggle, then try to push him off. “Liam, I’m trying to cook.”
“Then came the night that my dad called me downstairs...said my mom and him wanted to talk with me about something.”
I knew that she'd be offended if I said no, so I smiled. "I'd love some."
“no sorry mam' you must be thinking of someone else. I'm drayden, alfonso's friend from the football team”
He leaned forward, chewing excitedly on a mouth full of food. “It’s the most scrumptiously delicious porridge in the whole universe. Don’t you smell it? Mmm, mmm, just wait until you taste it.”
"However, I must admit that everything you've prepared looks picture perfect and smells absolutely delicious."
“Mum, can I go see Alice? You and Ellen can talk,” I said to my mum.
“It was good.” Masi ran to the kitchen and helped with the rest of the table setting.