
Personal Narrative: Finding The Loch Ness Monster

Decent Essays

So there I was being called up to receive my reward for finding the loch ness monster. Every person there was yelling out questions it was so loud that I couldn't even here my self think. After I shouted for every one to be quiet through the microphone, and once it got quiet I told them to raise their hand and I would answer their questions. The first person I called upon wanted to here the story of how I found the monster, so let me take you back to were it all began. It was a cool fall afternoon were the sun was just about to set on the Ireland countryside were I would be staying for a few weeks. I was being taken across the lake with a surface that was black as night. When I got across the lake to the giant medieval castle were I would be staying. I put my stuff away then I went to met up with my friend by the lake were he had his boat waiting so we could try and find the loch ness monster that's the whole reason I was there. …show more content…

Once I found him I got into the boat and we were headed to the area were the creature was last sighted. Which was a cove with a heavily wooded shore line. When we arrived we checked the sonar to see if it was here. The sonar showed something very large about about a hundred yards away from our boat. We decided to use one of the remote controlled devices that had a video camera so we could see under the water. While we were controlling the little device we saw a very large dark shadow swoop down on the camera then there was

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