
Personal Narrative: Goblin Market

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All siblings have conflicts with each other, and sisters are no exception. My childhood years were filled with bickering with my sister over clothes, toys, friends, and anything else the two of us could start a feud about. Occasionally, our arguments revolved around more serious issues, leaving us bitter at each other. After a day or two, we always returned to each other for emotional support and simply to spend time together. This bond of sisterhood is evident in Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market, where one sister’s love is evident in the way she saves the other. Although we have our fair share of arguments, I always come back to my sister because of the strength of our sisterly bond. When my sister and I were young, we were not the best …show more content…

In fact, our differences lead to unity in times of outer conflict. According to the article “Theoretical Perspectives on Sibling Relationships,” “as siblings mature, they become more responsible to the needs of one another” (Whiteman, Shawn D., Susan M. McHale, and Anna Soli). That is true for me and my sister. As we’ve grown older, we have learned to resolve our differences and focus on building our relationship as adults. We may be opposites in interests, but our polarity draws us closer together. Though our conversations still resemble those of Laura and Lizzie--“Lizzie with an open heart, Laura in an absent dream” (209-211)-- we now confide in one another with secrets that we would not dare tell anyone …show more content…

Yet for my sister and I, the secrets that we tell each other have only grown in number and depth. When I was younger, I kept all of my problems to myself, and I drew further and further away from my family. I did not tell them anything because I did not know how they would react or if they would judge me. One day, I decided to confide in my sister with a small complaint I had; though minor, I would normally keep such a comment to myself. I made a leap of faith to my sister, and she did not let me fall. She let me tell her what was on my mind, and since then, I have become close friends with my sister. Despite any of our past issues, we were born to be friends, “for there is no friend like a sister/ In calm or stormy weather”

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