
Personal Narrative: Godaddy's Success

Decent Essays, where my first business endeavor began. It wasn’t as difficult as others said it would be: find a viable domain name and create a visually appealing website accessible to everyone. Once launched, the only way to go was up. I advertised my newly-founded company by printing out flyers consisting of a grand opening sale. I posted them around town and in local shops. I offered to string custom lacrosse heads to any young aspiring player for twenty dollars a pop (a good bargain I might add). I even offered free stringing lessons to children that were interested in learning this complicated craft. A few months into my business undertaking, the very thing I thought would be so easy began to be frustratingly difficult. Despite my efforts, I had only a few dozen clients. Being the naive 13-year-old that I was, I thought would be overflowing with new customers, but I was mistaken. My business plan was clearly ineffective, I needed a new idea that would attract consumers. What would make my lacrosse stick more unique and personal if I were a young kid? I asked myself. An idea popped into my head, the best research always starts with the needs of potential clients. I had to have a focus group. So I asked my little brother Aidan and his …show more content…

Granted, making money allowed us to grow and build sales, but I felt we needed to do more; therefore, I decided we would offer free head stringing to local youth groups. By doing this we hoped to broaden the attraction of lacrosse for young people who were unfamiliar with the exciting and dynamic sport. I don’t expect to generate huge amounts of income. However, sharing my passion for the sport and broadening the appeal to others has encouraged me to focus on something outside myself. Knowing that I contributed to young children's lives in a positive way made all our efforts

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