
Personal Narrative: Helicopter Parents

Decent Essays

I now know what I am capable of in life. Using my own eyes allowed me to see the world and live it. Moving out of my parents’ house at the age of 18 was the biggest and best decision I ever made. I just wanted to be a teenager. I wanted to make my own mistakes and learn from them. I was 15 years old treated as a six-year-old. I had no Freedom whatsoever. My mother, Leonor and my stepfather, Alvaro were not bad parents. They were just a little too protective. They were what you call helicopter parents. The definition of helicopter parents is a parents who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children. As a child of helicopter parents friends were not allowed to come over nor was I allowed to go out with them. Sports at school were not even an …show more content…

I no longer wanted to be a teenager, it was time to be a young lady. It was time to finally make my own decisions. During the summer of 2016 I told my parents I wanted to talk to them, so we all sat down. They said, “ okay what is it that you want to talk to us about? I didn't know what to say, I knew what I wanted to say but I just couldn't find the correct words. I just open my mouth and let the words come out. As you can imagine their reaction was not very positive. Immediately they said that I was out of my mind if I thought I was going to leave the house at 18 years of age. Then they went on saying that I was so ungrateful for everything. I could understand their point of view. Yes they provided me with clothes, food and a roof. There was never a day that I went without having these things.. Although I had all the necessities, I wasn't happy. I told my parents “ I really do appreciate everything you guys do for me, but I just don't feel like I am really living my life the way I would like to.” My stepfather was the most upset, since he was the one that was always there for me through everything and every time I asked him for something he would never said

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