With tennis shoes tight on my feet, my legs begin to pound into the pavement on my road. My feet race on, one right after another, along the road. It isn’t long before something feels wrong. I can’t tell what it is. My gate seems off, and my legs seem almost more free. I keep looking at the world racing by me. Sun and blue skies warm my face, and chirping birds keep me company. A summer day couldn’t be better. Then, it strikes me. How could I have not noticed it before? The free legs! The chirping birds! It all seems so obvious now. I reach my hand down to my pocket to confirm the growing suspicion in my mind. Upon contact with the empty pocket, my suspicions are confirmed. I had forgotten my phone. How could I go for a run without one of my favorite podcasts? I suddenly …show more content…
They offer a human connection to many topics that seem weird and foreign like astrophysics, ancient history, and the ever present question in all of our minds, why do Australians keep doing that thing, you know, the one. Whenever I’m first getting into a topic, my go to reaction is to see if there is a podcast on it from one of my favorite groups like NPR, Stuff You Missed in History Class, and Ted-ed just to name a few. These podcasts help to give me a good bases for the topic I’m exploring, and they give my many different places I could continue to explore. From there, I like to see if my teachers have an books or other ways to practice for me to keep learning. A fun example of this would be when I heard a podcasts on the basics of decipherment and, so, I went to my history teacher, my go-to gal for all things knowledge, to see if she could help me. She, of course, gave me a few ciphertext strings to try and get me to think as decoder does. Once she was done with her torture, she leant me a book all on codes and ciphers. Then, I could go to her office and do fun quizzes on what I had recently learned in the
It was a sunny bright Friday afternoon and I was at school. I knew today was going to be the day, the day I get my new bike. After school my dad picked me up and drove home, so I can change out of my uniform and grab something to eat. I remembered my stomach feeling strange, I was so excited getting my new bike that I couldn't even eat. We went back in the car to go to Kmart. Even though Kmart was only like five minutes, it felt like I was in the car forever. I remember I was thinking of all the features my new bike was going to have.
The podcast Serial, based on the real murder of Hae Min Lee in 1999 was very interesting to listen to. From the first episode I was captivated by the storyline told by Sarah Koenig . At first, I think the most intimidating fact about this assignment was that in the directions it states that the series is about 7 hours long. Once I actually began to hear Sarah and her views on Adnan, I forget how long it was and it became a lot easier to follow along. Some challenges that I faced were during the middle episodes (5-7) where I started to lose focus on what she was saying because all I was interested in was what Adnan had to say. I felt that at one point once she started bringing excess people in the story that didn’t need to be included is when
It has been one year since the passing of my dear friend Stephen Gregory Cord. I met Steve on February 20, 2010 when I went to his house to pick up some audio equipment that I purchased from him online. It seems like I knew him for a lot longer than 4 years but that is what my saved email correspondence with him indicates. Steve and I were kindred spirits. We hit it off immediately and Steve quickly became a member of our family. He shared holidays with us, including Thanksgiving and Christmas. Steve also shared his passion for hi-end audio with me through advice and numerous modifications to my stereo equipment. In August of 2014 he asked that I be the executor of his estate should he pass away. Steve had a lot of health issues and
“Petlon get in there,”Coach said. At first I was like what does he mean. I was confused because at the time Eli was a better center. I figured I should hustle out there and give it my best try, so that’s what I did.
It's been a very busy summer so far. At the end of July, we returned from 23 days in Germany and Scotland.
Ignoring me, he continued, "She broke up up with me because I bought her a simple neclace for her birthday not the diamond bracelet she wanted."
I walk into the mall, and barely contain my excitement as I march directly over to my favorite store. Hot Topic. I look around and see absolute heaven. My favorite song begins to play on the radio; there is dyed hair and band tees every which way. Where do I begin? Hi, I’m Chloe Pelshaw, a student in the 8th grade at Silver Hills Middle School. Over the years more people have discovered this astounding store. Although, with these new customers comes two new problems. Space and organization. Ways you could improve these issues are expanding your stores and making the products more organized.
You know that moment when you’re trying to reach the toilet paper but can't quite, then fall and kill yourself on a pumpkin? Yeah I know that feeling… it’s not good. It all started one very normalish day at 1065 Fitzgerald Ave.
At the start of the semester I had become more aware and grounded in my voice. In my everyday life, I would notice if I was holding my breath. The reason for this was because over the summer I had to stand-up to one of my shut-up judges, my dad. The incident was extremely emotional, and I coped with it through the use of my actor training; instead of checking out and holding tension, I chose to breathe deeply and stay grounded. This allowed me to speak up even when I was told to shut-up. This awareness of breath was developed through necessity rather than choice. I had to be strong. My strength didn’t only come from being grounded in my breath, but it also came using breathe to stay present in the room. The use of breath also allowed me to go into my body and release the build-up of emotions. As a result of these experiences, my voice was able to drop more consistently to my lower resonator rather than my typical chest voice.
You seemed as if you left out of your 4th block Spanish from those rusty gray doors on the side of our school building.
It was a cool November day, in the middle of Afghanistan. As a medic, I was sitting outside my make shift aid station with one of my buddies sharing stories about home. We hear a loud explosion right outside of the wire. I looked up and could see the cloud of smoke billowing up from about two hundred meters away. Not knowing how bad the situation was, I grabbed a few of my soldiers, our translator and my aid bag and ran straight to the smoke. When we got there, a group of civilians were huddled around a group of people who were yelling, screaming and crying. The translator found out that a group of three men and three children were walking around a field when one of the children stepped on a mine. One of my soldiers grabbed the mine
As the blood was dripping from Katherine neck I felt an oozing pain in my body. Looked over at Jacob, he smiled. My first drink of the year and I already felt guilt for what I had done. I didn’t like the new me, I didn’t like the way it made me feel. All my emotions were spinning in my head and my body I just can`t handle the pain.
When my mother asked me to read a book a few months ago, I was hesitant to agree. A stressful school year was approaching, and seeing my friends on a Saturday night seemed much more appealing. When I was younger, curling up with a good book was a typical pastime. Then came high school, and reading was replaced with countless hours of studying, cheer practice, and trying to figure out when I could catch up on some much needed rest.
On Tuesday when I was coming to school I was around the San Ellijo Hills I was alone in my car and listening to the radio. I was randomly browsing the channels when I heard in one of the channels they were giving out 5Sos concert tickets. It got my attention since my 12 year old is a new fan of this band even though I’ve no clue about the band she called the channel and left my phone number. There was couple who host the radio and they were sounding pretty young. Since it was the rush hour all the students were out to go to school. The radio hosts were calling randomly phone numbers which they have and they were asking a question about the band, if the person who have been called know the question, he gets the ticket. For a minute I thought
Think of your favorite thing in the world to do. Something that defines you. Something that you can only experience from your eyes. For me it is soccer, and through that came a rite of passage that will be with me forever.