One way my past experiences have affected where I am today is through my mom. She has always been a big influence in my life and has sculpted me into the person I am today. She has taught be everything I know. She has not only affected me through my personal life, but also through my educational life. My mom is a teacher and taught me for 9 years all through elementary school. She has helped me improve my writing by teaching me proper grammar, spelling, diagrams, etc. I might not always remember what she has taught me, but she has still helped me tremendously. I am so grateful I had such a patient teacher to help me so far. My mother has affected so many different areas of my life that I know I would not be the same without her. This is not
My mom has made a huge impact on my life, yet she may never know it. My mom does so much for me and my brothers that she usually doesn’t take time for herself. That impacts me a lot because it shows me what a hard-working woman looks like. She
My mom, Christina Hasselbalch, is a single, full-time working mother who somehow finds time to always be there for me. She wakes up every day at five AM to turn the heat on and wake up so she can wake me up at six. After I leave for school she works long and hard hours so can provide for me. She also drives me everywhere from soccer to my friends’ houses. So she does a lot but, somehow she finds time to keep the house clean and cook all my meals. My mom is an excellent mom because even though she works really hard for me he always finds time to hang out with me.
Growing up, my mom was a big impact on my life. Two days of the week she was a dental assistant. The other days she was just my mom. When she came home on the days after work she would smell minty and fresh from working in her dental office. I feel blessed to have been able to have my mother as a constant influence in my life. She showed me that I could be as mother as well as have a good job; I did not need to pick one or the other. My mother taught me how to stand up for myself and how not to be a pushover. One of the most important things I think that my mother taught me was how to be compassionate. Even as a young child when I heard about some of the terrible things that had happened in the world, my heart broke for those
Growing up my mother has always been the most supportive person I know and also very independent. I’ve always had respect for my mother, she has always been a role model for me and my siblings. My mother has always been very supportive of me and my siblings, for as long as I can remember. Growing up my mother always encouraged us to follow our dreams.
My mother has a substantial impact on my life which shaped me into the college-ready young man I am today. When I was just a sophomore in high school she got arrested and removed out of my life in a flash. My two sisters and I did not know what to do. We had no father figure in our life, so, our grandparents came in and took us under their wing. Not knowing what to do, I was panicking asking myself questions like what am I going to do now and where am I going to attend school. These were really tough decisions knowing that I do not have a say in what happens. Having to leave all my close childhood friends, along with all the memories I had made in my hometown, it was a very dramatic sequence of events.
I created this memory book for us to share and look at our memories throughout our life together.Not only have we shared a lot of memories together,we have had many laughs and shared many tears.You have done a lot for me including flying half way across the world to get me. I thought the least I could do is write about the three most memorable moments I remember. I will always have other memories too. Dancing in the family room to garth brooks wrapped up in you. Watching movies together or our favorite tv shows. Getting in those little fights over something stupid. Not only have you taught me things like how to walk,talk,dance,sing but you have taught me how to get back up being knocked down again and again. Thank you.
Mom had a large lump, the size of a grapefruit, on the rear of her neck. She saw four doctors who all refused to operate. They feared she would be left paralyzed from spine damage. The fifth doctor, Dr. J.D. Fuller, agreed to remove the mass. The lump had grown larger. Mom had pains in her neck and arms like lightning bolts. Dr. Fuller stated his only way to remove the mass was by “blunted excision.” He made a long incision, reached into her neck, grabbed the mass, twisted, and pulled it out of her. The surgeon ripped muscle from her left breast to her spine and left trapezoid muscle. Mom was left with damaged nerves and muscles, but she was not paralyzed.
I woke up alone in my bedroom. Mom wasn't home yet, but Appy, my grandfather, and Ya, my grandmother, were right outside my room. I heard both of their voices yelling at someone. They were mad. Who were they yelling at? Scared, I slowly snuck out of the safety of my room and saw both of them screaming at my mom.
Finally, what my mom taught me. My mom taught me how to respect you're older. My mom believe is that god will take care of you and is always watching you and when you get scare to pray and will make it go away that was my mother believe. Seen i was little i would get nightmare and wake up my sister and ask her to pray with me she would never say no she look at me and pray together till this day because my mom work all night. She also show us that speaking two language is good because you would have more opportunities to get a job. For us cinco de mayo and los tres reyes we have to come all together and eat no one allow to leave that family time. I'm not really use to eating American food because my mom always make mexican food when she come
There have been many situations which have shaped my character, but the one situation that is the basis of myself is my mother. When I was two years old, my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis or MS. MS is a disease that disables the central nervous system and thus disrupts the flow of information to the brain, which then goes out to the body. In every diagnosed person, the symptoms are different and so is the severity.
Parents are one of the most beautiful things that could happen to anyone. They are always there by your side no matter what; they always want the best for their children. They can be strict and protective, its because they love their kids and they don’t want them to get hurt. My parents are special to me because with all the hard time that they had to have me and my siblings in their life they still fought for us and didn’t give up, even after 17 years of trying. But for me? The greatest of all is my mom. She is the one that I look up too. She is the greatest of all. Simple, funny, strict, protective, but yet she is the best.
Having grown up with a mother who was verbally and physically abusive, love and compassion didn't develop between us two, however, my hate, anger, and resentment thrived.
Have you ever wondered if you were going to eat the next day? Have you ever wondered if your living circumstances were going to change overnight from a bed to a car seat? My entire existence is about worrying and heartache. My mother made a decision in college not to finish pursuing her degree, ultimately that led to our personal troubles. She is a hard working single mother , unfortunately, her hard work wasn't economically sustainable for the three of us. My sister and I didn't have certain everyday items like toys, a vast array wardrobe, or plentiful food in the home. My sister would pass her school clothes down to me because my mother couldn't afford to both of us school uniforms. My mother , sister, and I have moved to approximately
My mom, Alicel, was ten when she first moved to the United States. She is the youngest of nine siblings, most of which already lived in America. Alicel always visited her older siblings a couple times a year with a visa, which gave her six months to stay in the u.s legally. By the time she was 15 she was fluent in English and already familiar with American customs. She had been visiting America for 11 years before moving there permanently at the age of 21.
After my mother and I have an argument she usually smiles at me and says, it’s because we’re so much alike that we argue. She reminds me that our lack of communicating often stirs more trouble than why we were arguing. I used to get upset that my mom didn’t set time aside for our family to spend time together or make us eat together at the dinner table. I was upset because I was comparing our family to my friends’ families. I valued those things and assumed my mom didn’t, but I was wrong. My mom had so much on her mind everyday it was breaking her on the inside. Not only had I wanted my mom to be like my friend’s moms, now I had wanted my mom to be different because she was depressed. Bonhoeffer mentions that we desire images of others that we want, but aren’t the true image they bear as Christ’s (pg37-38). At first I was puzzled. How is a good image of mine, not Christ’s image for her? I learned that His image is neither right nor wrong, but simply uniquely divine. My mom could have done those things, but her whole life would have had to be different, and I would never want to change who my mom is.