The environment in which I was raised in was excellent. Some may disagree because it seemed terrible but I believed in learning from the bad and to not let it stop you from continuing....I couldn't ask for a better surrounding. My siblings are also wonderful, they each have their own way of looking at things....My...mother taught us to respect people, whether they're older than we are or younger then we are. I was also taught that there's a time and place for everything. For instance, there's a time to talk and a time to listen and there's a time to be quiet and there's a time to be heard. Ever since I learned that I've been using that in school. We all treated one another with respect. My...mother hated when my siblings and...I told each other to shut up or disrespected each other in any way. It was very calm and peaceful. I...go to public …show more content…
My brothers also involved with the wrong people, I made sure I hung out with a different crowd, people that were focused on their school work just as much as...I am. They also helped me learn everything I know today. My eldest sister has three children, who all were taken from her by CPS. I have never seen my sister so upset nor my mother. She had and is still struggling with trying to get them back. Since she doesn't have a High School diploma and just a GED it is more of a struggle for her. I don't like to see that, so I decided this was going to be another reason to continue my education and help her to get my nephews back to have full family. In conclusion, my family is extraordinary. My family has been through Hell but I would change it because that would change me. My mother and grandparents showed me love, kindness, and how to be a well-rounded person. They raised me to believe in myself and to believe that I can be anything I want to be. I was raised to let my life speak. I couldn't ask for a better
My family taught me how to help those in need and to not take what I have for granted. I truly learned this lesson when I went on service trips. The part I enjoy the most on these trips is when I go to a worksite and see how happy I can make the people who are being benefited. I also learned that everyone in this world has very different lives. But the odd thing is that some people who live in poverty are extremely happy. Not everyone needs money or a huge house because they know what is truly important in life to them. That taught me the lesson that you can always find the bright side out of anything. Life may give you a hard time, but it's your job to be able to preserver and bounce back from the hardships. One of the most important things
The White Americans crushed the Native American Culture by destroying them with diseases and war. The policy towards the Native Americans were to control the land, and to separate the Native Americans from helping each other during rough times to fight back against the white Americans. There were many different policies that were enforced to take over the land for government benefits, such as farming, trading, and building railroads. The policies for the Native Americans got stricter, so that white settlers can have Indian Country. Other policies started to come intact when the natives started to fight back to keep the land that the government gave them. The worst thing that the white Americans did was cut off the food supply to kill to starve the Indians.
When I was 13 years old, my parents started to think about moving to United States because my dad was already working here for a company. We started all the immigration related process which took a while to end. When I was 14, one day I came back from school and my parents told me we were moving to US in 2-3 months. When I heard it first, I was happy, but later I started thinking about how I will be leaving everything behind. My family, friends and neighbors whom I have been with since I was little, I will be leaving all of them in a few months. As the date approached closer, we started to pack more and more things. There was
I wake up something is different in the environment. I hear a lot of sounds; it comes out of the room where I am. It´s different sound from everything I heard before. I´m continue walking outside the room, immediately I see a strange artifact, which I have never seen before. I´m looking it so excited, because it´s capable to produce sounds and colors by itself, also there is wonderful women there. It is too thin to contain a woman inside; perhaps they shrouded her.
My initial Ecological Footprint done on May 25,2016 If everyone on the planet lived like me we would need 5.7 Earths to provide enough resources. It takes 25.4 acres ignorer to support my lifestyle. In order to drop my footprint by 0.4 I decided to only eat meat once a week and also to recycle daily items that I use for example water bottles and other plastics I also plan to car pool or maybe even walk to places when I can the following places I would most likely car pool or walk to would be library, gacory store, family events, park, and also the gym all these places are pretty close to me living in the Macedonia community.
Despite the love and support of my family, I did succumb to making poor choices. I started hanging with the wrong group of friends, caring less about school, doing things the Lizmery now wouldn’t do. My perspective changed when I entered high school. I noticed how much of a rebel I had been with my family. I understood then, all the things that my mother had done and sacrificed to give my sister and me the world. I saw my sister earn her master's degree and buy a house. As the youngest, I had great role models in front of me. I knew that what I did in the next four years had to be drastic. I had to step outside of my comfort zone, leave the negative friends behind, and take my education
I have only one word: listen. Humans became so loud, shouting to be heard over everyone else. So concerned with ourselves, our jobs, our money, or the internet that we stopped paying attention to the pieces of nature around us, beautiful and ugly alike. We try so hard to fill our lives with meaning in the most unmeaningful of ways, promotions and new cars, when there’s so much more to living. The trees sing when the wind blows and we’re listening to the radio. Hermit crabs chirp, dolphins name themselves, prairie dogs have voices and we ignore it all in favor of Facebook What doesn’t directly affect us is blocked out or put on a back burner so we won’t think about it. We became so removed from the natural world we no longer notice what’s
My family, they play this huge role in my life they are literally in my life everyday and even though I don't see all of them everyday they all pop into my head and I remember what they have taught me. I am the youngest out of my three siblings and so being the youngest you get picked on alot and you get into fights, those fights and arguments have taught me a lot and at that moment I would never see it as a lesson, but overall it has taught me how to stick up for myself because not everyone is going to be nice and they taught me that I have a voice and it’s okay to be different. My mom and dad they have disciplined me to show me that I can’t do whatever I want. It’s just my parents and I in our small little apartment because my sister went to college and my oldest brother moved out to live on his own and my other brother went into the army. Even if I can’t see all of them everyday like I do my parents, they are still a part of me and my parents, they have focused on me and we have gotten closer especially after what has happened.
“Allison” I turned to see my dad, but he didn't look too good, he looked very weak and he was holding his chest. “Dad, are you ok?” I asked. My mom came running to us with lots of paramedics behind her. “ Whats going on?” I asked. “The plague is back Allison.” She said. I learned about the black plague in class and how it went on for 200 years until a cure was found. “Mom, he just needs to wash it.” I said. She looked sad, “It has evolved over those years. It only takes a minute for the effects to become permanent.” The doctors rushed dad outside and lifted him into the ambulance. I focused on my mom again. “Mom, it’s the 21st century! There has to be a cure!” She grabbed my hand. “We need to go, pack a bag.” She walked upstairs and
When everything is going wrong they are the one thing that is always right. My family supports me in every decision I make and that is something I don’t seem to appreciate enough. My sister used to be my worst enemy. Growing up she teased and taunted me. We argued all the time, we didn't talk to each other for days, and we wished we didn't have to spend another day in the same house, but as we have gotten older we have grown so close. I wish she wasnt away at college because she has turned out to be my very best friend. I value her, our rough times, and now, I value the relationship that we have formed. I wouldn't trade her for the
Growing up my family wanted nothing but the best for us and that was given. The neighborhood we stayed in wasn't the best but it also wasn't the worst. My older cousins and I were their prize possessions, we were like their fine china, they wanted no harm or wrong doings done to us. Anything they could do to protect us from the bad world out there was done, even if that meant we couldn't (go outside). We were taught to have thick skin, not to let anyone take advantage of us, and to surround ourselves with people who were going
My family means everything and more to me. They are my support, backbone, and give me the motivation to put forth my best efforts in everything I do. When I decided to start a new path after my Marine Corps career, going to school was one of many options I had. With the encouragement and support of my family I made the choice to go back to college eventually pursuing my dreams of attending TCU. When I made that choice I made a commitment to them to be the best student possible. My first year in college was an experience that was different than anything I was used to but I stayed true to my commitment earning academic honors, and scholarships. Every decision I make I do so with my family in mind.
Things aren't always what they seem. There's always something or a reason to why things happen. I believe this situation was one of them. The end of the school year was over for most of my friends, but I still had one month left. I had one more month left of work,projects, and assignments. Personally to me it wasn’t really a pain in the butt, simply because it would help me out a lot and I would also be ahead of my new classmates. The dedication and time I put into my last month of school was something that my teachers thought should be rewarded. We were warned that there was a camping trip coming, and ahead of time i had already planned to to not attend, simply because of my lack of confidence and insecurity. I was always that kid that would like to be alone and rather sleep. I would not even socialize unless I knew who that person was, most of the time it was my friends and family. That was simply how i was and that was my way of living.
In these event my life has been completely altered. Whether it was through my personality or physical things. I cannot complain about these events because as far as I know, they have changed my life for the better.
Freshman year of high school I joined the Environmental Club. It started out with just five members who would do the school's recycling. With over 2,500 student and faculty members at my school, it was like doing the recycling for a small community. While recycling is great, our club wanted to make a larger impact in our town. We have since started volunteering at the local watershed to educate kids on important environmental issues, created no-idling campaigns, hosted multiple environmentally friendly concerts, and are working on getting solar panels put on the schools in our district. The Environmental Club now has over 25 active members. Through the growth of Environmental Club, I realized many students are interested in protecting our environment,