Hunters and Gathers I woke up early to go hunting, but my brother had to go with me. So, JJ and I went hunting. I saw a deer and shot it with my bow that I made out of a tree branch. I got the fur from the deer and made boots, gloves, and a coat. JJ and I were walking and he saw a squirrel. He through a spear and killed the squirrel. We were so happy for more meat. When we got home, mom was so happy for more food. The last time we ate like this is when my dad killed an elk. My mom started cooking the deer, and squirrel over the fire. My dad came home from fishing and brought a cat fish. So, we had so much food we gave food to our neighbors some cat fish. After we all ate we were trying to sleep .Then, a bear came
Responsibility isn’t for everyone, and it definitely isn't for the lazy. I started the summer of 2016 out by catching at the Calf Scramble in Houston and have only grown to love my heifer. Calf Scramble has not only brought me closer to the animal, but to my family too.
Of all the hobbies out there one of my most fond hobbies would have to be duck hunting. It’s something that nothing else in this word can compare to. Chasing ducks is something that’s been in my blood for three generations now. From a very young age I’ve been very into the sport. Duck hunting is a passion that comes deep from my family, from my dad to my grandfather we’ve all become obsessed with the sport. Wading through the flooded fields and timber of the Mississippi delta, and shooting ducks is something that will never go out of style to me.
The next Monday coach gave us practice off so I headed home again. That night I went over to my brother's house and borrowed his shotgun because it had a fully rifled barrel with a scope. This gun was much better than mine. While I was there we talked about where he had shot his deer and where he had saw other deer. I headed home that night with little hope that I would actually get a deer at all. It was really cold when I got up the next morning. I headed out to a spot near where my brother shot his deer. As I walked out the snow covered ground crunched under my feet. I got set up in my spot and settled down for the wait. I was sitting there for about forty five minutes when I heard a noise.
Narrator: It was a cold, rainy night in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert. There was a run-down, isolated shack roughly 200 miles away from the Mexico-U.S. border. This is where the coyotes live. Jasmina knew that she would have to collaborate with these men in order to have any fighting chance of surviving the dangerous journey into U.S soil.
Our families hiked up to the top of Nevada Falls and there we sat down to picnic, near this beautiful Falls. We broke out our box lunches, opened our soda's. A few minutes into enjoying our food, I looked up about ten feet behind the group and above the rest of the party. Here comes a Mother black bear over the rise with her baby cub. Seeing this instant trouble, I told every one to drop their food and back away. The Mother herself looked only to be not more than five or six years old. And to quote my girls the cub was "adorable." We all backed away and watched the mother sort through our lunch, and decide
It was the middle of October, and it was finally time for my long awaited moose hunt. I have waited ever since I was a little girl for this opportunity, and it was finally here. So, my father and I packed up our stuff and left the warmth of Phoenix. We were leaving the "Valley of the Sun" and headed for a place called Wyoming. After two days and fourteen long hours of driving, we made it to our hunting unit.
One glorious morning my grandpa and I got up bright and early. We got ready and headed into the woods to prepare for our deer hunt. We walked through the brush as quiet as possible so that we would not spook any animals in the area. On our way to the hunting spot, we stopped in a couple areas to take in how beautiful the view was. Once we took the view in we kept moving toward our hunting spot. Finally, we reach our hunting blind and we get all set up for the hunt. My grandpa and I sat in the blind and talked quietly about how we hoped a deer would come by soon so that we didn’t have to hunt all day. About twenty-five minutes into the hunt I hear a faint noise come from behind me. My eyes lit up with excitement hoping that when I turned around
Leaves have all transformed to different colors, pumpkins are being hunted down, and the smell of Fall is brewing. October is here. It is not the costumes, carvings, or delicious caramel corn that gets me all hyped up, it is the opening day of duck season. Duck hunting is one of my most cherished times to spend with my dad, grandpa, and younger sister. I started tagging along with my dad at about three years old. At that age, rather than handling a gun, I handle some crayons and a coloring book in the back of the blind. Five years later I was able to start shooting on my own and still continue to.
After we finished unloading and putting food into the fridge, my Dad allowed us to go outside for a bit before it got dark, otherwise, we’d get attacked by mosquitoes. I decided to go outside and sit by the river with my brother and we watched the fish and frogs hop around all around us. A few minutes later I got hungry, came inside, sat down at our table, and gobbled down some uncooked pasta that I wasn't supposed to eat. By then, it was about 7:45 and it was getting dark, I was soo so so tired, so I decided to go to bed.
Another few years down the road when my sister and I were both in our teens one of our goats was eaten by a cougar. The next day we got hound dogs and hunters to track the lion that killed our goat so close to the house. After hours of looking, the dogs finally treed it, my dad took the shot, killing the cougar instantly. Exactly one year later the same thing happened. Cougar number two dead. We had a freezer full of meat that lasted a long time.
One day my brother and I and a couple of his friends went rabbit hunting one day. It was
Peace, it seems to me, that no matter what time we are in, what species we are, or even how powerful we are in combat, we never seem to achieve that single, fleeting dream among all men; such is how it is with Novans as well. The closest idea I could think of for what we looked like would have to be what the ancient humans saw as gods within Egypt.
I always enjoy getting to spend time with my family, but at the moment I wanted to spend every second with Cameron. When Cameron asked me if I wanted to go hunting with him, but first thought was yes. I always wanted to go hunting, and there was no one I'd rather go with then him. My mom had other plans though. I don't usually fight with my mom, but tonight was different. She told me it was my decision to stay or to go home. My mom didn't realize how excited I was to go hunting at the time. I realized my mistake, but there was no going back and changing it once I
I woke up around 6:30 in the morning and I realized I had not eaten in days and I was starving. So I went out and started looking for something to eat, but I couldn’t find anything, then out of the corner of my eye I saw a rabbit so I jumped for But unfortunately I missed and the rabbit hopped away. So I went back to the camp, and I sat there and I was thinking how was I going to catch any animals then it hit me.I started out in the woods looking of a curved stick and eventually after looking for one for about twenty minutes I found one I tried to break it but it was to hard so it was a good stick. So I started walking back to camp when I got there I took one of my shoelaces and tied it to the stick the shoelace was nice and sturdy so I knew this was going to be a good bow.
“No . . . ” I said. The masked doctor examined the hundreds of boils on my face and body.