It was a beautiful evening in Frisco. The sun was on the verge on setting and it looked beautiful. The Lawrence family had invited some friends to have a Super Bowl party. At around 4:50, the people started to show up. The Lawrence family had put the snacks in bowls and were ready to go. There was fruit punch, which was as bright and red as a lava lamp.
We opened up the indoor tennis courts for the enjoyment of the party attendants. They had a huge media room, so they started up the projector. The family decided that they had conducted it very well, due to the fact that everyone looked like they were having a good time. The sound from the media room boomed across the house due because we turned the volume up. I checked from our aerial view
I grew up in a city named Colorado City, TX – the city is located in Central West Texas. I had a really good friend, that I became best friends with, named Daniel. We went riding our bikes everywhere around this little town, scraping our knees on concrete and crashing our bikes on practically everything (since there was practically nothing to do in this town – this was before the 3M Palace Theatre was reopened).
I went to the Texas Book Festival with my girlfriend. When we first arrived, I was not sure where the Texas Book Festival was, or where to park. After 15 minutes of trying to find a parking spot, we found one. In the end, we were there from 11pm to 2:50pm, in that time we explored the different tents and experienced Fany Gerson, a chef and Mexican author, make Mexican ice cream.
San Luis, Colorado is the oldest town in Colorado. The Rio Culebra winds through the valley, surrounded by majestic mountains. It is one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen. My family along with many others have been here for generations. The beauty of the land is only accentuated by the beauty of our tight-knit families and culture. To counteract of all the physical and cultural beauty, there is social and economic strife everywhere around me. I live in the poorest county in Colorado and being impoverished is a challenge my community faces because of a lack of education and job deficit. As I have delved into community and family history, I have better understanding that the fact the that while many things like our support and love for family and culture have remain unchanged and untainted, so has the fact that our community struggles
My mind will often wander to all the places I've lived in and all those I would love to travel to, or visit again. I think of the streets of Santa Fe, how fresh it would be compared to the over 100 degree temperature of were I am now, the hot dry heat of El Paso, Texas, a place I often come back to, the soil were my roots are permanently ingrained. El Paso has grown significantly in the past 10 years alone and is now the sixth most populous city in Texas (World Population Reviw). It's far from it's days when it was widely known as “El Chuco,” or “ChucoTown,” nicknames whose origins and meaning have long been debated, but no matter how much of the new generation is unfamiliar with these terms the history lives on through the streets and current
In the story of Samson, his strength lies within his hair. That's sort of case for my story if you think pounding your fist on the floor in a fit of rage and spazzing your head to deal with pain “strength.” So my story begins in high school of junior year on Go Texan day of 2016. My school is a private school and it shouldn’t be shocking that my school has dress codes for uniforms and hair to keep the list short.
I hope your Tuesday afternoon is going terrific. I am Miten Bhadania and I would like to formally introduce myself as your colleague working in the Tech department as Developer.
Longview, Texas is a unique hometown for many reasons. First of all because, more than likely, any given person who attends Texas A&M and did not play football in high school has never heard of it. When meeting new people in college, I’m always asked where I’m from and 90% of the time the response I hear is “Oh I’ve never heard of that”, 9.5% of the time I hear “Is that kinda by Houston?” (a question that, after hearing for several semesters, I’ll just respond yes), and finally .5% of people I meet know where Longview actually is. Living in a small town—not in the suburbs to any city—offered a unique perspective on life going into college. There are 4 high schools in town. The largest, Longview High, was an athletic and academic powerhouse: always going to state
I am not from San Antonio. I am not from Texas. I’m from California. Where no one twangs, or drawls, or even says hi to the stranger standing in line at the grocery store. Texas, half way across the U.S and what seems like a whole other country compared to California. It is a completely different place that I could have ever imagined living and calling home. I came to Texas to find myself. I didn’t know that when I came here, but it is what ended up happening.
In 1718 Spanish missionaries founded Texas taking it as a Spanish territory. Many whites started to go to Texas and began to take over. In March 1836 Texans revolted against their Spanish rule and declared their independence from Spain. Texas then became an independent nation, but Texas could not protect themselves from the Spanish attacks. On December 29th, 1845, after almost 10 years of waiting to be accepted into the United states, Texas became part of the United States.
Ghrelin, commonly referred to as the “hunger hormone,” is a 28-amino acid peptide that has many important roles in human digestion including regulation of growth hormone release, enhancement of appetite, and increase of food intake (1). This gut-derived peptide could play an extremely important role in the altered eating behaviors of patients with eating disorders. Increased fasting plasma ghrelin levels have been consistently reported in underweight patients with anorexia nervosa. Circulating levels of this hormone have also been found to be enhanced in symptomatic bulimic patients, while also being blunted in response to balanced meals (4).
There was one severe weather even that had happened during my childhood while growing up in the south tip of Texas. It is an experience I would never forget.
For the spare time that we had during the day, we stayed at the Witties’, the family that was considered our host team. Many people were playing board games while others were sleeping, because everyone wanted to do something to keep their mind off of the game. Then, the team planned a feast at Brady’s, a local restaurant nearby. Everyone ordered multiple entrees, but more than half of everyone’s food was still on the plate by the time we felt the restaurant. Stomachs were turning, and hands were shaking. It was time to get ready for the big game, so the team went back to the big, red house owned by the Witties to change into our uniforms. Many teammates were braiding each others hair, while other were putting on makeup in order to look great for all the pictures
A Beautiful Day at Six Flags Either you run the day or the day runs you-Jim Rohn. This whole day to learn. It was a Beautiful August day my family decides to go to six flags. We went to go see if my friend, Weston, and Ellie's friend, Hope could come too. Weston was eleven, I was twelve, my sister was mine, and Hope was nine too. Turns out they were able to come and their mom came with us too. We drove for one hour and thirty minutes to get to six flags. We had to walk a long way to even get into line. When we finally got in line, In took us two minutes to get in because we had a stroller and went into that line which is always faster than if you do not have a stroller. As soon as we got into the park, We all bolted straight for Raging Bull. When we got there, we had to wait in line for about twenty minutes. When we finally got up to the ride, we got on with the girls. The parents went off talking and told us to check in when we were done with the ride. We all went on the ride the first time, we had a challenge for us and the girls. It was to not hang on to any part of the roller coaster for the whole time. and enjoyed it so much we managed to sneak on the ride again. We all filled in the empty seats. We did this another six more times. In total for that moment, we went on that ride seven times. We gathered everyone up and started to walk down from the ride. We were all talking about how crazy that was that we were able to get on that ride seven times. When we were at the
Theme Discussion: The mother in “ The Rocking Horse Winner” is seemingly the root of all the problems in the story. Without her constant need for money and materialistic possessions, the other members of the family would not feel obligated to please her. The overwhelming need to please others and selflessness are two important factors in this story. Hester, the mother, has a strong need to have the finer things in life. Readers can see from the beginning of the story the strain money puts on the family. Lawrence says, “They read it in each other’s eyes” (Lawrence). From this statement the audience notes how apparent the struggle for money is. Readers can also see how selfless Paul is. He risks his own life for the sake of his mother’s well-being. After “looking into each other’s eyes” and sensing the need for money, Paul takes matters into his own hands. He feels the need to provide for his mother, so he tells the gardner, Bassett, all of his choices for the big races. Lawrence says, “I’ve got to know for the Derby! I’ve got to know for the Derby!”(Lawrence). From this, readers see Paul’s extreme urgency to win more and more money. As time progresses, Paul seems to worry immensely over helping his mother. Eventually, he starts to get sick. One night Hester heard a strange noise, but could not pinpoint it. Lawrence describes this noise saying, “It was a soundless noise”(Lawrence). The author’s use of hyperbole in this sentence makes readers feel almost eerie. Late in the night, the boy dies. The hypothetical “Rocking Horse of Life” is the cause of Paul’s death, even if no one else can distinguish it. Many recent movies carry the theme of selflessness just like “The Rocking Horse Winner”. In The Blind Side, Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy take in Michael Oher, a football prodigy with awful living conditions. Even though they had an abundance of money and kids of their own, the Tuohy’s took Michael into their home as one of their own. In spite of the dirty looks they would get, the Tuohy’s did not care about their social status; however, they remained selfless and took care of Michael well past his college days.The theme of
Article 6.10 is about how portugal took a different approach to their addiction problem, being one of the worst problems in europe, and found a unique solution for their drug addiction issue; such as, Mr. Alexander’s experiment “Rats in the Park” where, he found that rats that had good lives shunned the drugged water and rats that were unhappy and alone were heavy users. Portugal improved the environment for drug users and instead of locking them up, portugal placed them in rehab and provided support and a community to connect to. Thus, with these improvements portugal’s addiction rate of injecting drug use was cut down to 50 percent.