
Personal Narrative-It's Popsicle

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We hadn’t made it about no more than two look-sees away, though, from where we’d found the dead rabbit before we came across the carcass of another one, and then another. Soon, we had found a bunch of them, torn up and bloody, each in different states of decay. I found myself looking around at the carnage in abhorrent amazement—It was a massacre. And, I was about to say something to Katelyn when I heard her gasp and say, “Oh, no…” I then turned towards her and saw that her face was now sullen, so I asked, “What?” and she said to me pointing with an outstretched index finger, “It’s Popsicle.” There on the bedrock that anchored the river embankment was Popsicle. She lay there just like she had when we last saw her sunning herself, …show more content…

I really knew that, deep down, it was something else. It was all the bullshit and stress I’d been bottling up inside of me for the past six weeks. I missed my friends. I missed Saraland where there was nobody out to get me except maybe Ray Boone’s hands on my ass. I missed my old school where people actually liked me and I didn’t have to deal with three snotty, little Yankee cunts trying to make my life a living Hell on a daily basis. And, I’d been tired of watching my mama be hurt by all the things people had said to and about her. And I was completely tired of family’s secrets. And I was tired …show more content…

“THIS IS FUCKIN’ HORSESHIT!” “Whoa… take it easy, Cera,” Katelyn said, stepping back away from me. “No, I won’t take it easy, I’m sick of this shit, you hear me? I’m sick-of-all-this-SHIT!” I said screaming at the sky and the mountain, and the forest, and God. And as I spun around, the winds began picking up pushing my hair across my face. “Cera, you really need to calm down,” I thought I heard Katelyn say, but at the time I had paid her no mind as I was doing a damn good job at blocking everything out in my fit of rage. “Fuck You, Keri. And Fuck You, Laurie. And Fuck You, Hallie. And Fuck You, Meatheads.” I yelled all this out as I waved double middle fingers up towards the sky as if all the jerks I’d mentioned in my outburst could see and hear my gesture from wherever they

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