
Personal Narrative: Jonathon Changed My Life

Decent Essays

"Get stuffed!" I yelled
"Sterling! Show some respect" Ms Taylor replied.
I thought I could say anything I wanted to her because I was on a scholarship. "They can't get me in trouble" I would say to myself. It was the 10th of August 2016 at 11:36am and it was cold as deaths chilled hand, that day was the last day that I ever went to school. The reason that I left is that I actually got in trouble. I couldn't cope with being in trouble, as it never happens.

As I kid there was one thing I had a passion for, boxing. I loved it because I was able to take my anger out and not bottle it up inside. I started boxing at the age of 10 and have been doing it ever since. What happened on the 10th of August really stuck with me. I argued back to attempt …show more content…

"Well of course," Jonathon said happily "We begin training tomorrow night. Bring a towel and plenty of water. I'm going to make you the best"

That night the air was crisp; I jogged home from the gym instead of taking the bus. When I got home and opened the door a wave of heat rushed through my body. I told mum about what I was doing. She said, "The odds won't be in your favour" "whys that?" I asked," because of you're Aboriginal, it's a rough sport and you're gonna get picked on." "Mum, I'll be fine" in reality I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know how far I was gonna get. The next day after work I headed to the gym to train with Jonathon. He made me train so hard; I couldn't lift my arms by the end of it. "Next week is the comp and you will be ready by then," Jonathon said with confidence "I don't Jonathon, how will I win. I'm an Aboriginal." "Why should that make a difference, it's not about what you look like. It's about how you perform" "I hope you're right …show more content…

Tonight I find out. My first fight was with the toughest opponent known as the ‘gravedigger'. Jonathon told me to hit low and fast. So that was exactly what I was going to do. I get into the ring; sweating bullets gravedigger comes up to me and says, "Why am I fighting an Abo?" I didn't reply. DING DING DING, my heart is beating out of my chest I bounce towards him WHACK. Next thing I know I wake up in the hospital. "It was rigged, the whole thing," Jonathon said, "Those people were never gonna let you win" "Thank you, Jonathon, I think I'm going to have to go back to

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