
Personal Narrative: Kindergarten

Decent Essays

First year going to a private school or any school. Was really nervous, but so was everyone else.. There was only two other African American kids in the grade.

First Grade
I made other kids upset when I read the four hundred page book by myself apart from the teacher who read it to the class during story time. six years old and already developing egotistic / introvert tendencies.

Second Grade
Experienced my first African American teacher. She would be one out of 2 until college. She played soccer in college and would give me advice on how to make the team. I had one issue however, for whatever reason I wouldn’t sit in my chair and prefered to stand up to do my work. Parents thought I was mental.

Third Grade
I learned the hard way that even if you know enough about the class to teach, you shouldn’t. I tried to correct to teacher on a mistake she made and she started yelling at me. First time being told off by a teacher. Hopefully the last. It taught me quickly to shut up and do something else if you already know what’s going on. …show more content…

Not much to be said about this year other than I thought math was difficult. Saying goodbye to people I’d never see again sucked too.

Fifth Grade
First year of school in Mexico. I was scared because all the cool people wanted to learn Spanish. I wanted to be cool. This was my driving factor to perfect my Spanish. Due to the dangers of being in the streets of Mexico City, all my Hispanic friends played A LOT of video games. This is where the obsession began.

Sixth Grade
Sadly my last year in Mexico city. Didn't know it at the time but I’d come to miss it. Didn’t know it at the time but I would be shocked at the lack of culture experience lacked by American kids of my same

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