
Personal Narrative: Life After High School

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College comes with multiple, unspoken rules. My personal favorites being if you do not have a car find someone who does quick, time should never be wasted, ration your food, and last but not least, eight a.m. classes truly do not have your best interest in mind. About two weeks ago, these guidelines became my college commandments off this one hilarious memory.
Empty, Emptier and emptiest. I stared at my dwindled supply of food internally panicking on what happens next. The enormous, black hole of a food stash had turned into a basic black dot. With no parents, aunts or uncles, or even an unknown cousin twice removed, reliable transportation was not an option nor was constantly eating in the cafeteria due to a busy schedule. Turning away from my disappointing food supply, I whined to my roommate Destiny “I’m …show more content…

Fifty-one minutes of us versus everything in nature and we had finally made it. The three of us said nothing to each other, we only looked in disbelief that our feet had carried us this far.
An ordinary Walmart to everyone else was euphoria from the gods themselves. The fluorescent heaven catered to my dying wish: air condition. We were blasted with it upon entering. Somewhere along the day we had turned into wild people with a single-minded focus, reach Walmart. Essentially, the cool air reintegrated us into civilization. As the three of us walked into Wal-Mart, I felt like every kid who finally visits an amusement park, unbridled jubilance. The harsh florescent lighting and the stench of the garden center never appeared so lovely. Then, it hit me… we still have to obtain the groceries.
For all of our troubles and as far as we walked, grocery shopping was done halfheartedly. Destiny, Joe, and I had walked a million steps for junk food and juice. Our Alabama A&M tote bags could only carry so much and no one wanted the struggle of dodging traffic with hard-earned groceries. However, a random phone call saved our

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