College comes with multiple, unspoken rules. My personal favorites being if you do not have a car find someone who does quick, time should never be wasted, ration your food, and last but not least, eight a.m. classes truly do not have your best interest in mind. About two weeks ago, these guidelines became my college commandments off this one hilarious memory.
Empty, Emptier and emptiest. I stared at my dwindled supply of food internally panicking on what happens next. The enormous, black hole of a food stash had turned into a basic black dot. With no parents, aunts or uncles, or even an unknown cousin twice removed, reliable transportation was not an option nor was constantly eating in the cafeteria due to a busy schedule. Turning away from my disappointing food supply, I whined to my roommate Destiny “I’m
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Fifty-one minutes of us versus everything in nature and we had finally made it. The three of us said nothing to each other, we only looked in disbelief that our feet had carried us this far.
An ordinary Walmart to everyone else was euphoria from the gods themselves. The fluorescent heaven catered to my dying wish: air condition. We were blasted with it upon entering. Somewhere along the day we had turned into wild people with a single-minded focus, reach Walmart. Essentially, the cool air reintegrated us into civilization. As the three of us walked into Wal-Mart, I felt like every kid who finally visits an amusement park, unbridled jubilance. The harsh florescent lighting and the stench of the garden center never appeared so lovely. Then, it hit me… we still have to obtain the groceries.
For all of our troubles and as far as we walked, grocery shopping was done halfheartedly. Destiny, Joe, and I had walked a million steps for junk food and juice. Our Alabama A&M tote bags could only carry so much and no one wanted the struggle of dodging traffic with hard-earned groceries. However, a random phone call saved our
I think we should all have a chance to go to school and be professionals and study what we want to. There is a lot of people that didn’t get a chance to go to college after high school for personal reasons. They should have programs that help kids to finish school. With money living and other things sometimes financial aid it’s not enough so most of them are forced to work and they end up not going to school. Now there parents and they have to work to pay for house and food and other things. Half of my friends didn’t go to college after they graduated high school, and some of them didn’t even finish high school.
"I'm so glad we can finally move into an actual house than an apartment." Kyle Sapienti, soon to be Stump, smiled and said. He traced the date on the calendar behind Patrick. September ninth, two thousand fifteen. Kyle moved away from it then grabbed the last bag of his from the apartment and packed it into his car. Patrick was taking Kyle's car with him because his car was already at the new house.
Looking back at my high school years I would say it was not easy. I was not the person I am today, I was careless and dull. I wasn't concerned about my standards or entity. The start of high school is the most critical year that will set your GPA for the future. Raising your GPA will not be an easy thing to do. As for me I had started out with a moderate GPA, but throughout the rest of my high school years I had to work very hard to bring it back up.
\Mostly, the world went by so, so slowly. It took everyone ages to get even a simple sentence out. They all walked like they had nowhere they could need to be, and every time they ate it was a whole big production. Then they all conked out for eight hours a night-- just had to check out and bid the world a fond farewell. Peter found it much more efficient to take quick naps throughout the day, mostly between people saying "um" and the eternity until the next word. This left him free for a bit of late night sight-seeing. Something about the dark made people believe no one else could possibly be watching.
one of the biggest decisions of my life was choosing a major for my post high school education. Many people seem to have a general idea to what they would like to major in at a relatively young age while others have a more difficult time deciding what to do with their future and sadly I was one of those unlucky few.
On a brisk, cold Friday evening, people wait outside a local Wal-Mart to see what kind of deals they can get. They didn’t know what to expect on the other side of the doors of Wal-Mart but it made the desire to get in build. The anticipation grows and grows an astronomical amount as the people get extremely anxious. Their craving for the merchandise through those doors increase more by each second that approached. The crowd has been waiting hours to get the precious material possessions they have been so desperately waiting to call their own.
I have no idea how this all started. Seriously. Some people call me some sort of wonder boy. Others say that I had this big, hairy plan. Nope. It all started like this…
Before we danced you'd fold your fingers into a gun, point it at my face, and say "blam." Embarrassment seeped like split garbage bag juice when the school forced nine year-olds to pair up and dance. Your sweaty hands, slippery guns would clutch my cold ones while we tapped across the gym floor. Every morning you'd point your nervous gun at my grim fish face, smiling. We found ourselves in the same gym
I was standing with hundreds of my peers in an extremely claustrophobic and humid hallway, awaiting to receive my high school diploma. My hands trembled as I slowly walked alongside the podium where my principal quietly congratulated me and handed me my diploma. As I proceeded to my assigned seat, I gawked at the high quality piece of paper that seemed insignificant at the time, but would knowingly open many doors for me in the future. I was nervous. Nervous about walking down a path without a final destination, all alone.
On a regular school day, in my writing class, our writing teacher told us that we had an assignment to do. But it was a challenge. Our assignment was that we had to write an 1000 word essay about how and after our high school years is gonna be. Whether it's gonna be good or bad. But he wasn't done explaining, he also said "whoever has the best essay, will win the scholarship. The winner will be announced at the promotion. Good luck to all of you and you may begin writing." While everybody was writing, i just sat there. I didn't want to write an 1000 word essay. Are you nuts? But i had no choice but to write the darn essay.
Have you ever thought what it would be like to grow up? Over the past 9 months or so, I see change “growth” every single day. I recently just started high school, at Piedmont around 14 years old. My school year will end May 25th 2018, and by that time I could share over what feels like a million lessons learned. This school year I’ve spent my all time worrying about school, grades and the pom team i made. The life during high school is something you’ll never forget until the day you die. Everything to me about high school, is fun and enjoyable but then I realized I’m actually growing up and becoming more independent.
If someone would have told me five years ago that I would be going to college to become a teacher, I more than likely would have laughed right to their face. I have nothing against teachers it just never seemed like a career, that I would purse and enjoy. I actually did not plan on going to college because I honestly had no idea what I would pursue in college. I did not make a final decision about my career path until my last year of high school. I just had too many things going on in my personal life to even think about my life after high school.
My high school years went by fast, at first I was a freshman and now I am graduating. I have always been quiet in my classes and I would sit at the very back. I was taught to get my work done before having fun and I never paid attention to making any friends. When I was a freshman I saw myself as a mature and intelligent person because I did not act like the others in my class and I hung out with the seniors. I dropped out once and I’m glad that I got chased back or I would be staying home. High school was not as challenging as I thought it was because it is boring and it is easy all you have to do is pay attention and get your work done. I have been waiting for the day I will be on my own. I would not compare my life to the books we read in class because they do not relate to me in any way.
My life began 14 years ago on September 22, 2000 at about 1:30 pm at Mesquite Medical Center. I weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces and was 19 inches long. I have a sister who is 6 years older than me and is currently attending Stephen F. Austin for her 3rd year. When I was born, I had little blue spots on my body, but the most noticeable one is on my finger, it has grown as I have gotten older. My dad also has these mysterious spots and has been to many dermatologists to try and figure out what they are but no doctor knows exactly what to call them.
I looked down at my feet as ‘Jo’ kicked sand at me. I gasped, looking over at him with a fake look of anger on my face. How dare the shorty kick sand at me! I watched as he looked up at me, and I tried to keep a straight face and not smile. I gently knocked him over by his shoulders, watching as he landed on the ground with a soft thud. I couldn’t contain my laughter anymore when I saw the look of shock on his face.