
Personal Narrative: Life On The Line

Decent Essays

Life on the Line
Today I'm talking a plane to south America to drop these packages off. Its calling for bad weather but the dumb pilot says, "it's okay I've done this a million times." He's cocky, he's young and looks about my age, I get on the plane and there's already problems, I don’t need to die today. I tell him "We can fly another day" "No were fine", man what's up with this guy he's in such a hurry. We take off and everything's fine so I nap and then BAM I wake up to the sounds of an alarm, the plane is crashing and there's the pilot swinging his head with his eyes closed I run up to him and tell him to control the plane and then he shoots forward hits his head on the controls, great just great I'm in a plane with a pilot that’s passed out and now he just hit the controls so now were really screwed. I run to the back of the plane and grab the life jackets and put one around him and myself. I can see the land coming into view and I'm freaking out, as I brace for impact I see the pilot and he's struggling, his ocean blue eyes bulging out of his head, and he's crying he's young around my age and I know he doesn’t want to die. I run to him and pull him off his seat and have him crouch down by me he's holding on to me and he's saying and yelling "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" We grab five …show more content…

I take pictures of everything I do and my body has become use to living like this every day I eat some fish that i catch with my stick fish basket. I wove the shoelaces through the sticks. My leg is better I kept putting that stuff on it so it healed. My arm is still pink and red an there will forever be a permanent scar there to remind myself of what happened. I take pictures of everything. I walk and climb the

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