
Personal Narrative: My Current Learning Strategy

Decent Essays

Make it Stick My current learning strategy involves reading the material, highlighting, and taking notes. Then once I have covered the material for the week I take the practice quizzes online multiple times. I also make flash cards on Quizlet out of the weekly material so I can quiz and drill myself on the material. When exams approach, I reread the materials from the slides and lectures and use the online flashcards I created to study for 3-7 days depending on the subject. I would change my learning plan by focusing less on the highlighting and rereading and more on the quizzing myself. I would also space out the quizzing more to allow for more difficult memory retrieval— thereby, engraining the material further into my long term memory. …show more content…

Once we begin to learn about other topics such as infection I will interweave those topics into the already established notecards and be able to compare how a fracture affects a certain bone as compared to how an infection behaves towards the same bone. When quizzing myself I will produce an answer to the question I am being asked and check it rather that assuming I know the answer and moving on. I will also incorporate mnemonics into my

studying to help early draw the corresponding information from the depths of long term memory. I plan to implement a more structured study time to help my learning plan succeed. I will have to plan out my free hours of the day to allow for studying for all my classes. I will also have to block out and structure study hours on the weekends to re-quiz the material for that week and for previous weeks and use that time to make the consolidated summary sheets. Some hinderances I might encounter are finding the time to implement this type of learning plan for all my classes. Also I will implement this learning plan to study for part 1 boards. To overcome the hinderances I would purchase a daily/week/month planner so that I can plan all the hours of my day and my study time. I will also have to make the study time I set aside a priority and not push it off for later

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