
Personal Narrative: My Early Life

Decent Essays

Hi! This is Clare and I am writing to you to tell you more about my early life and how I knew I wanted to follow Christ. I was born in Assisi in 1193 to a very wealthy family. When I was eighteen, I heard you preaching at a service during Lent. When I heard your teachings, I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to God. When we met, you told me to donate most of my belongings to the poor and you gave me a plain robe in exchange for my exquisite gown. This was very hard for me but I knew that this was the first step in dedicating my life to Jesus. I knew that I would receive the ultimate reward in heaven. You helped me live according to the Gospel. Even though my parents wanted me to marry wealthy and into nobility, I told them that I would be married to no one but Christ. I dedicated my whole life to Christ at a young age because I knew how strong my calling was. When I was eighteen, I left my parent’s home to live with Benedictine Nuns in San Damiano. Shortly after, my sister, Agnes who was only fourteen, joined me. Since I was born shortly after the Western Schism in 1045 which was the …show more content…

After my order formalized, you named me head nun. When I became head nun, my first goal was to change the Pope’s governing law from the Benedictine Spirit to the Franciscan Rule. Eventually the order of sisters I started came under Franciscan Rule. Even though this took a long time, it was worth it because it helped spread the Franciscan way of life. My order teaches austerity which was plainness and simplicity. It also teaches not believing in happiness through material things but through God’s love. I sleep on the ground, do not wear shoes, and owned no possessions. By being humble, we will gain eternal life with God in heaven. Even though this was a challenging way to live, we knew we were following God’s will. Even when the Pope told me to end this practice of poverty, I

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