I think that the most important aspect that Peters stresses is image building. My end state goal is to become a College Professor. So surrounding myself around like minded people as well as building a relationship with the heads of the department would aid in building a reputation that can be called upon come the time I can make the transition toward my end state goal. As we see in the news almost on a daily basis gossip in politics has profoundly negative effects. Any thing that could be construed in a negative manner will look poorly upon you. Best practice is to stick to the known facts and stay professional. Attitude is everything and maintaining a "cheerful disposition" works two fold as one setting yourself up to be more positive and
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
Starting high school can be a little scary, especially when you have no guidance from siblings, like me, being the first one from my family to have an education. But that did not stop me from succeeding, I?ve always been confident and determined. I?m an enthusiastic when it comes to trying new things. Who would have thought I was going to be a good athlete plus a book geek, when in my past years I was just a regular kid. I was pretty excited about joining a club that had a connection with high school, that way I didn?t have to start from zero, I always want to be a step ahead. Fortunately, in summer, a high school coach was recruiting freshmen for running either cross country or track, they both involve running, so I considered it like the same sport with different timing. And this is when it all started. Running
During center time Stanly was playing in the block area so I asked “Do you want to play a game?” He replied “Yes” so I got out the long wooden blocks and said “We are going to see if we can walk across this.” I got on it and walked across it so they knew how to do it. Stanly got on the wooden blocks and started to wobble. He balanced his self and then he started to walk on it. He got to the middle and he started to wobble again but corrected his self so he wouldn’t fall. He got all the way across it without falling.
I have been in the Marine Corps for roughly three and a half years and throughout that time I have done many things. Most of the things that I have done were with Combat Logistics Battalion 26. For three years, I worked with that unit through work ups and a deployment and I have seen and done many unique things. However, nothing I did with CLB 26 felt fulfilling, but that all changed when I changed units to CLB 8.
I was just going off the report. It just didn't sound positive. Plus the expected time to be back keeps changing. Also, consider that when he comes back he will not be in game shape and the team will also have to adjust to him being back in there as opposed to being use to him not being there. So at first it was back for the last four conference games and now it's end of the season, which means he gets to play one game in the Big 12 tournament or maybe two. And if he is back for the tournament you have your own team having to adjust playing games, daily until you lose.
As I have soared through the years at Austin High School, my mind has stayed indecisive about my career goals. I am still on the fence about my career choice because it is absolutely imperative to me that I choose the most fulfilling path. My goals and dreams have meandered all the way from wanting to be a Veterinarian, to an Astronomer, to a life coach, to an addiction counselor and finally to a farmer. I have came to the conclusion that it is going to be close to impossible to tie myself down to only one career. I have a variety driven personality, and I have my best times doing things I have never done before. I have decided to combine some of my interests and enter the field of Earth Science and run my own dance studio/fitness center.
I am not a writer. I hate writing, I would rather Jump out of a airplane and I am scared of heights then write a story. I like to tell stories but I don't like to write one. I don't like to write stuff about me. I would write something fake like fiction but I'm not good at it.
My immediate goals as a writer is to use my imagination and to use my own ideas I naturally come up with. I seek to become a better writer now so that in the future, it’ll turn out different, for the better. I want to be more confident in my writing and be sure that it’ll go far. For example, if I decide to continue writing, perhaps novels, I would want to have the time now to practice and be well-prepared. I would also want to do good in high school and get into AP classes, not only to get in, but to maintain an average grade. My long-range goals as a writer is to become a novelist. If I don’t find another job that suits me well, my next choice would be to become a novelist. I would want to learn all of the skills while I still can to develop
I am applying for the opportunity to be places in the student affairs and college counseling progam because I have always had an aspiration to help students obtain their educational goal. I am a first generation college student in my entire family and I am a vivid imagine of all the obstacles I had to overcome to obtain my education. For example, some of the obstacles are that I had to work while being a full time student at Fresno State, numerous people doubt and criticize my education and myself for wanting to success, and I had to commute to school which is about 45 minutes away. During these 4 years I has to commute because I am also a caregiver for my two younger brothers. For this reason, I made the decision to apply to the master program
From a young age, athletics were a very important part of my life and soccer was my passion. Whether it was playing on boy’s teams and summer leagues, or refereeing tournaments and coaching soccer camps, I was constantly trying to improve my game. When I came to college, I was excited to have the opportunity to continue playing soccer. Unfortunately, I received several concussions and I had some complications that ultimately forced me to stop playing soccer after my sophomore year. At first I was distraught, all of my personal goals were gone and I was no longer working with my teammates toward the goals we set together. However, I realized I needed to find new interests and new objectives to work towards during the rest of my time in college.
Currently I am employed, however I'm only working about 3 hrs a week which is hardly enough for me to pay for transportation to and from college. Aside from that I don't qualify for fafsa. My end goal education wise, is to obtain either a Master or Doctorate in Physics, Botany, or Astrophysics. If I do qualify, and actually receive this book grant it would help to alleviate some of the financial stress that many college students face, and I feel it would allow me to focus primarily on my classes without having to worry about paying for books with money I don't have. I would simply have peace of mind, by knowing that I have college books taken care of and I don't have to worry about
I was in the 7th grade and I was only 12 years old when my parents told me that we were going on a cruise. I was so excited and I could not wait to go. I asked them “ WHEN ARE WE GOING “, they said we leave in 2 months, and those were the longest 2 months of my life. Finally 2 months had past and we were finishing up packing the night before we left, I was so happy and excited that i could barely do anything.
“Sam, you have cancer” Dr. Kimmel told me with a tone that absorbed all of the energy in me like a black hole. I could feel all the happiness I once had slowly drain from me mentally, and I knew the physical part of me soon would start to fade. My family stood there in complete shock, soon after, my wife fell to her knees and filled the room with tears. My mind was racing, I lost all sense of who I was because I felt as if it didn't matter since I was going to die anyways. I didn't just have cancer, I had stage 4 brain cancer and nothing I could do, or anyone, would fix this. I knew it was bad when the MRI scans showed a massive tumor within my center of my head. My Stereotactic brain biopsy showed the cells were abnormal
I believe you can achieve anything you want in life with hard work, dedication, and passion. There are many experiences I have gone through that have helped shaped who I am today. I may not have control over certain situations, but I have a choice on how it affects me.
My mission statement is to guide those around me to the love and acceptance of one another in a loving, caring, and educational way throughout the world. I will put my strengths to use by finding opportunities to teach children creatively and in a loving way. I will strive to be the best of myself with finishing my early childhood education degree, teaching love to children, and showing forgiveness to all.