
Personal Narrative: My Entry Of College

Decent Essays

Patrick.Session 1.Journal My decision to start college can't be summed up in a few words or even a few experiences.

From the very day after I decided to drop out of high school, I deeply regretted it. However,

I didn't go back for certain petty reasons. I was bad about taking the easy way out of stressful

situations. For the next year I didn't do hardly anything productive. Shortly after I turned 18 I

found a factory job I really liked but four months later, my boyfriend made me quit. A few

months later I found out I was pregnant with my son. I was so very excited! I had hoped I

would be a mom as an adult. When my son was born I decided I should get my GED so I

could eventually get a decent job to support my son and myself. …show more content…

I went to a few doctors and it was determined that I have both. Over the next

few years I was having a few physical health issues that were making the possibility of

obtaining a job not possible, so I started proceedings to be put on Disability. I was granted

my SSI in June of 2008. Since then, I have been focusing on taking care of my daughter.

She suffers from mental illness and has been diagnosed with borderline mental retardation

(but we don't treat her any differently than the other children her age).

In August of 2015 both my children were in high school. My son started his senior year and

my daughter started her freshman year. My son struggled quite a bit in his freshman and

sophomore years but his junior year was extremely difficult for him. The family and I

continued to support and encourage him to keep moving along and do his best. I explained to

him the benefits of getting a high school diploma and believed that he would be graduating

this month. However, in October of 2015, he decided to drop out claiming he would go to Job

Corps Instead, he backed out and moved out. At that point I finally realized that the best

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