It is this assignment that I owe a growth in perspective and enlightenment for plays. On October 2nd, 2015, I went to my first play in general. It took place at the Campus Inn Theater on the Rio Hondo College campus. I went into the theater and was greeted by what I presumed to be as ushers, as he handed me the night’s itinerary. A curtain was drawn and a pathway presented itself as I walked through. There I could see the stage and props already revealing itself. There was a makeshift bar with drinks and a table at center stage. Proceeding to my left where the audience would be, I found a seat and looked around. The environment was quaint as a few people were seated around me. I looked over the schedule of what plays would be showing and did not have any expectations. The room started to fill and lights dimmed and the plays began. In total there were five performances, which I presumed to be about 10-15 minutes each. The first play, “Do not collect $200”, did not impress me. The playwright’s central message was vague as it was just three historical figures; Hitler, Lenin, James Joyce, and napoleon degrading one another as they play monopoly. The setting presumably takes place in one of the characters homes and they are having a night of …show more content…
The play made me feel like I was actually in the performance as the main character would speak in third person. Black and white backdrop brought the setting similar to something of the early 1900’s with the actors wearing black and white clothing as their body was painted an off white to give this setting. The playwright involved a detective, who likes to use the word “preverbal” a lot, who is counting down the time to get off the clock and a woman, in a bathrobe comes in for help. This set the tone of hilarity and mystery as the detective, “Dick Piston”, makes sexual innuendo’s, shoots the bell hop, and solve the mystery of the murders in the
Broward College, Central Campus Theater in building 6, on Sunday, the 1st of November. The play was performed by Broward College students. The type of stage was Proscenium stage with extended apron. I thought it was a little bit small, but it did not show as a problem. The pre-show was dark and a feel of suspense. I felt excited to see how everything would play out. The play takes place down south of Chicago in the 1950’s.
On February 26th 2016, I went out with my friend to saw this event. It was the first time of my life to be in such production. I was not a fan of theaters. I thought they are boring. Now, my mind has changed because the play was amazing. So, on the next day,
When I first walked into the Granada Theatre I was amazed by the intricate detail put into the design of the venue. At first glance, it seemed to be an extremely high class venue, and it made sense why Professor Roy asked us to dress nicely. In all honesty I felt totally out of my element. I showed up a couple minutes late so they had me stand until the first piece was over to take my seat. The seriousness added to the layer of prestige that I had begun to attribute to the event. When I finally took my seat, I was astounded by the setup too. The piano was center stage. I was expecting an orchestra before I had arrived, but was not too disappointed to see just Yuja Wang. I could see her, but I could also see people sitting in the balcony. The
On Monday the 19th of April my class and I had the pleasure of attending the dress rehearsal for the new play Successions by Michaela Di Cesare at Centaur Theatre. This play was directed by Tamara Brown and stared four very talented actors. I found this play to be enjoyable in terms of viewing, but frustrating in terms of story. It had left quite an impression on me, albeit somewhat negative. However I find that being left with a strong negative impression is better than not being affected by the play at all. As the purpose of plays are to stimulate a response from the audience.
Anderson Theatre has truly shaped me into the mature young adult I am today. My freshman year, I decided to join theatre not knowing what to expect. None of my friends were in theatre, and it was something I decided to do completely on my own. I walked into the first meeting, late because I had cheer practice, and sat in the back of the Fine Arts Room by myself. I then let cheerleading take over all of my time, and did not return to theatre until Dry Tech. That day, I walked in and started working. In that 12 hour day, I realized that doing hair and makeup is something I am really great at. In that 12 hour day, I met dozens of people with whom I am still friends with today. Because of Anderson Theatre, I met my best friend. I laughed more than
In Module/Week 8, you will write a 1500-words (about 5–7-pages) essay that addresses one of the plays from the Drama Unit. A minimum of six citations, including the primary source and at least five secondary scholarly sources, is required for this assignment. Before you begin writing the essay, carefully read the guidelines for developing your paper topic that are given below. Review the research paper Grading Rubric to see how your submission will be graded. Gather all of your information, plan the direction of your essay, and organize your ideas by developing a one-page thesis statement, outline, draft, and bibliography for your research paper. Format the thesis statement and the outline in a single
Discuss the issues raised and reasoning behind decisions made when attempting to contemporize your own version of Sarah Kane’s play Cleansed for stage. Comment on the professional production and how and why your work may have differed from, or mirrored, Katie Mitchell’s production and any considerations/adjustments you may have made to your performance after viewing
Throughout this essay, I am going to critically discuss my involvement in the production. I will do this by reflecting on the planning process, rehearsal process and the performance itself. I will give insights on the production team as a whole, my role in the production and the importance of my character. I will show an understanding of the themes and politics in the play and how we presented them. I will give a brief introduction to the chosen play we performed and why it was a perfect christmas show. I will generally look into the role of an ensemble, the importance of having an ensemble and how influential Greek theatre was to the production. I’ll draw on techniques used by practitioners and how we incorporated it into our production such as Epic Theatre. I will discuss about the element of company and the relationship between actors, directors and audiences. I must be critical about myself and give an honest insight to the whole production by evaluating my engagement, collaborative skills, decision making and discipline. I will show a clear understanding of my approach to performance, my interpretation to the character and the productions interpretation of the whole show. I’ll discuss the wider context in theatre, theatre in society and what role it has thereof. I will give as much reference and theory as possible to support my opinions and I will demonstrate performance theory and relate to practitioners like Brecht, Stanislavsky and so on .
PRP hair treatment is a simple non surgical procedure, which is used in hair restoration. This method employs use of multiple injections. The procedure may last approximately from 60 to 90 minutes and has a very quick recovery period. It gives safe and reliable results, which are extremely natural looking hair. Let us look at some commonly asked questions for PHP hair treatment:
We arrived at the theatre about an hour before the performance started. We anxiously waited in the lobby with hundreds of people, mostly women, all dressed in their finest. Just when the room seemed to reach just beyond its capacity, the doors opened, and people trickled into the large performance space. My aunt, my mother, and I scanned the seat numbers until we found ours
I am a very introverted person, I don’t like being in front of crowds or talking to new people. As a child I was the complete opposite, I was extroverted and loved being the center of attention. Unfortunately this only lasted until I was about seven years old. After that something snapped and I became unable to talk or do anything in front of other people.
I went to see the production play of Our Class at University of California, Irvine (UCI). The play was based on history events that happened and the characters perspective on the events. It took place in a small city in Poland between late 1920’s till even in the 2000’s. The play was really mesmerizing but it was also easier to spot some of the techniques and lessons that were shown in the play like how we learned in our class room. For instance, I learned about the Fitzmaurice voice work, the Laban Efforts, Sanford Meisner technique and some of the stage techniques.
After taking my theater FIGS course students will learn about different careers in the theater, gain an understanding for the process of producing a show, and will have an interest in reading and seeing new works to support the theater community. It is my hope to format the course so that each week discusses a different aspect of producing a show while highlight the positions that contribute to the show. In addition, I would start each class with a headline from the theater community to encourage discussion better students and also to expand students’ horizons to the plays that are currently being produced.
This is a must watch Broadway show that makes your fine, terrible, or even boring day, an absolute blast. The Play That Goes Wrong has finally made its way to America and right at the heart of New York City near Times Square at the Lyceum Theatre. Therefore, the experience is a win-win situation for the audience. The Lyceum Theatre’s architecture is astonishing as it is filled with ornaments, I also realized the letter ‘L’ around the theater, but the most interesting fact is that it is a landmark. It has a proscenium stage while the audience is in the orchestra, balcony, or the mezzanine seats, like where I sat, and there is barely any space if you are a tall person. My seat was near the far end of mezzanine, I couldn’t see a part of the left side of the stage, so I found myself bending sideways to see what was going on, but I saw nothing. I found the side stage lights and a side balcony blocking my view and yet I had a great time.
For my cultural experience, I decided to attend a comedy show at the old Capitol Theatre. The comedy show was entitled, “Not Today Satan” by the well-known drag queen, Bianca Del Rio. Bianca Del Rio, or also known as Roy Haylock, is an insult comic who was the winner of the sixth season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. I arrived one hour early to the show so I could talk to some of the people attending the show.