
Role Of An Ensemble On The Production Of The Play And How It Was A Perfect Christmas Show

Decent Essays

Throughout this essay, I am going to critically discuss my involvement in the production. I will do this by reflecting on the planning process, rehearsal process and the performance itself. I will give insights on the production team as a whole, my role in the production and the importance of my character. I will show an understanding of the themes and politics in the play and how we presented them. I will give a brief introduction to the chosen play we performed and why it was a perfect christmas show. I will generally look into the role of an ensemble, the importance of having an ensemble and how influential Greek theatre was to the production. I’ll draw on techniques used by practitioners and how we incorporated it into our production such as Epic Theatre. I will discuss about the element of company and the relationship between actors, directors and audiences. I must be critical about myself and give an honest insight to the whole production by evaluating my engagement, collaborative skills, decision making and discipline. I will show a clear understanding of my approach to performance, my interpretation to the character and the productions interpretation of the whole show. I’ll discuss the wider context in theatre, theatre in society and what role it has thereof. I will give as much reference and theory as possible to support my opinions and I will demonstrate performance theory and relate to practitioners like Brecht, Stanislavsky and so on . Our chosen christmas show

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