I’ve been wrestling and boxing since I was eight years old. My dad put me into the sport because my neighborhood was never the safest, so he put me in basically so I knew how to defend myself if it came down to it. Eventually it did come down to where I had to defend myself in a fight when I was in 6thgrade. That day I was glad my dad pushed me into the sport. After the situation I had in the 6th grade I training nonstop and competing throughout the years. I knew eventually I had to get my feet wet and I knew I was going to have to step into the cage one day. My first fight was planned on May 18,2016 I can remember it like it was yesterday. My coach told me “Sylvia it’s about that time for you to take on your first MMA fight”.
I have been involved Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu since age of nine. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has taught me to always seek technique over physical strength. As I grew older, I sought to help teach younger students the valuable lessons that come with training Bra Jiu-Jitsu. By age fourteen, I was coaching the kid’s class. I am thankful for my opportunities to train and coach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because of the discipline I developed, which I was able to apply to my academics. While training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I was given the opportunity to train, and compete, as a wrestler within the last two years. I initially struggled with the transition since Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners are comfortable on their backs as numerous grappling techniques occur from
Since I was a kid I have always wanted to box and when I got older my parents finally let me box. They thought that I was going to be irresponsible and cause problems but then the summer going into ninth grade my father let me start boxing. I started off learning the basics simple combinations and how to move my feet the right way. I loved boxing at first then I grew to hate it as it got more difficult for me. My father wanted me to stay in boxing so I could learn to defend myself, but I didn’t care. At the end of my freshman year of high school, I was at the civic center with my boxing coach. It was a warm night in May and I was getting ready to practice. The gym was filled with a lot of kids who were playing basketball. The gym was
Ever wonder how I did at my league tournament for wrestling? If you don't then you should. First, I walked on the mat for my first match. The first match was probably the hardest match of the day. I had to wrestle a kid named karson Brandt, he was from holton. I beat him 9-1 in a three period battle.
My first varsity college wrestling match was short but a success. Prior to the match we had to drive five hours to Olivet Michigan to wrestle in the tournament we were competing in. We left after class on Friday around 3:30, so we can get to the hotel and have time to relax. I was super enthusiastic all the way there. It was my first match on varsity in college! I knew I had to get the win to start off my college career.
When I started Jiu Jitsu it changed how I felt about being more social. One sunny day in a hot summer me I have sandy blonde hair and blueish green eyes I prefer to read books and be in loud places, my sister Cheyenne a fifteen year old that has blonde hair and blue eyes she loves to read books and pink items, and my nephew Nate is a hyper thrill seeking seven year old were all sitting on the couch trying to find something to watch. Going through the boring choices of movies we couldn’t choose anything then I flicked of the tv, and turned to Chey and Nate let’s go do something this is too boring I said with a little-bit of enthusiasm. Then we went on a hunt to see some fun things we could do we found Jiu Jitsu. Chey and I talked to Mom about our special activity, and she said she would think about is. Later that night I fell asleep hoping she would say yes.
When I came back from summer and I entered my senior year I decided to do my senior project on coaching boxing because I like helping others and being around with kids or with my own age. I saw how my coach was training the students including me and I noticed that he cares for us and pushes us to not stop boxing, to keep doing our best, to get far in life, to be a good boxer, and it helps us to release our stress.
Two years ago i received my black belt in taekwondo,my mother decided i was responsible enough to get a dog as a gift. I was very happy,i’ve always wanted a dog. My neighbor's dog had given birth to puppies a few months earlier, so that was perfect timing.The puppies were old enough to be away from the mother. All the puppies were brown except for two. All the dogs were female,i’ve seen them only a few times the mother was very protective of them when they were newborns.The taekwondo test lasted four hours i was extremely tired i had protective gear on which was kinda heavy and kept heat in so i was sweating a lot.
My first memory of wrestling was in fourth grade when I was wrestling someone who was way bigger than me. He just kicked my butt.
Ever since I was eight years old I have been wrestling all year, every year, almost daily. I never thought that my wrestling career would extend past junior high or even into high school. I started doing pretty good at tournaments and practices so I thought I might actually make it in high school and become a successful wrestler. Before I graduated from junior high, I had decided that the high school that I was going to be attending didn't have the best wrestling program so I moved to another school nearby which had a renowned wrestling program called Washington Community High School in Illinois. It was a tough decision, but I eventually told my parents that I wanted to move to Washington in order to keep wrestling. They agreed surprisingly and that's when the journey began.
When I was 9 , I went to box for a very short time. I had some friends who were boxing and I emulated them. I wanted to box. I told to my dad, He allowed to me. He bought boxing gloves, shorts and others boxing equipments for me. And the course day came. I went there. Lesson started. The boxing coach told me what I had to do. When I came to home, I was so tired. I decided to leave the course and I didn't go to boxing course
The football season had just ended in Orem Utah and my coach was an assistant wrestling coach. People had been telling me things about wrestling the whole football season to the point where I actually considered it. I went to open mats one day and decided that I was going to wrestle. There were two other first year freshmen in my weight class and I beat both of them. In my first year of wrestling I was already varsity. The whole year I got pounded on over and over again by kids who had been wrestling for years. I kind of just accepted the fact that I was going to lose most of my matches. Our very last dual of the season was against Orem High School who were our mortal enemies. The dual started off at the 120 pound weight class. Me being in the 113 pound weight class meant I would be the last one to wrestle. The dual was incredibly close and by the time I was up Orem was winning the dual by one point. My coach told me to go out there and keep it simple. I went out, took him down, and pinned him in just fourteen seconds. The crowd exploded. Everybody started chanting my name. The captains picked me up and put me on their shoulders as they carried me around the gym. This event was important to my life because it gave me confidence that I needed, it kept me wrestling because I was on the verge of quitting, and it was a moment that I’ll never forget my entire life.
“I’m Fighting For…”; the expression defined boldly in black contrasting the white wall it occupies. A blank canvass that has since flourished into a colorful, passionate artwork of hand-written sentiments surrounding the innermost phrase that I and so many others have proudly contributed to. This, I believe, is the uttermost beautiful and raw depiction of reality that resides in my office.
Often people who are either starting boxing or planning to follow a career in the field may have quite naive ideas about the gear they have to use to train on professional grounds. Boxing is a sport that requires a lot of coordination and training of your hands, you will be developing throughout the years how to handle and balance the power of your hands and special pair of boxing gloves are essential to reach outstanding results, specially because you will not be training only one kind of technique or practicing one single exercise, all that requires a flexible set of equipment to fulfill all your needs, so you have to think about different pair of gloves for different applications while training.
Most people are all grown up when they finally figure out what they want to do with their life. I was 4. I realized what I wanted to be when I attended my very first Rodeo. Even though it was so long ago I can remember that day like it was yesturday. That day got me on the path to my future.
It all started on June 2014, I was uncomfortable in my own skin. I was underweight and was always out of breath. I ran like a turtle. At that time, I weighed only 115 pounds. I wanted to make a change for the better, wanting a better lifestyle. So I decided to sign up for the gym. That day changed my life forever. The gym made me fit, healthier, but most importantly it made me a better person which is who I am today.