
Personal Narrative: My First Team Meeting

Satisfactory Essays

Well the first week of the semester is in the books and at this point I can wholeheartedly say I’m very happy with how things are going. Prior to last week I was anxious about beginning work in the clinic, however, I already see myself becoming more comfortable with each passing day. On Tuesday we had our first team meeting and I think it went really well. Upon learning that our case is approaching its trial date in a short six weeks from now, I, along with my teammates, immediately perked up. I knew that Dominic’s case has been going on for nearly 2.5 years, however, I did not know we were going to actively participate in such a crucial stage of the case so soon. I’m aware that we always try to settle, of course settling is good, but in …show more content…

I found the Bloomberg training session to be useful, however I still have a lot of work to do before I can really be comfortable with it. The site does not seem to be too difficult to navigate, but like anything it takes time. My teammates and I are also trying to figure out how to use Clio without having to go back and forth so many times. I think we’ll be there soon, no cause for concern. With our trial date shortly approaching, today my teammates and I met with Professor Facciola; we decided who would take which portions of the hearing. We decided that I would do the opening and conduct the (hostile) direct examinations of Cicero and Lyons. While he has been a ghost of late, I hope that Lyons does appear, as I want to gain as much practical experience as possible. I’m looking forward to working with on my parts, as well as helping my teammates prepare for the hearing. Today my teammates and I spent the majority of the day getting familiar with our case. We read several documents and things are starting to come together more clearly now, yet (obviously) we have a ton of work to do. I’m very happy with who my partners are, and I’m very happy and quite honestly, I feel lucky to have been put on this case. The end is near and I cannot wait to approach it as we try to reach a favorable outcome for our client,

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