
Personal Narrative: My Haptic Bootsuit

Satisfactory Essays

I spent the majority of my time in my Shaptic Technologies HC5000 fully adjustable haptic chair. (…) When I was strapped in to it, the unit could flip, spin or shake my body to create the sensation that I was falling, flying, or sitting behind the wheel of a nuclear-powered rocket sled hurtling at Mach2 through a canyon on the fourth moon of Altair VI. The chair worked in conjunction with my Shaptic Bootsuit, a full-body haptic feedback suit. It covered every inch of my body from the neck down and (…) could both sense and inhibit my movements. Built into the inside of the suit was a web like network of miniature actuators that made contact with my skin every few centimeters. These could be activated in small or large groups for the purpose

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