
My Leadership Philosophy

Decent Essays

Leadership is a very unique concept. One leadership style could be great in one situation and then the same style could be horrible in another situation. As a leader it is important to know the situation that you are in. My style of leadership is mainly leading through example. I believe that leading through example will work in most situations that you will find yourself. As a leader one of my main talents is knowing what kind of situation I am in. I can learn quickly how I should act in that certain situation.
My main leadership strength from the 16 personality quizzes are dedication, being direct and honest, and enjoying creating order. I have a hard time not finishing things that I start, which can be a great thing when trying to get a project done because instead of quitting I can fight through and get it done. My ability to be direct and honest is very helpful because I follow the facts instead of the unproven abstract ideas. I am very honest and straightforward when I am telling people things I tend not to …show more content…

My main weaknesses are my stubbornness, uncomfortable in chaotic situations, and being judgmental. My self confidence and need for order sometimes makes me stuck on what is the right way to do and organize things. I can also be uncomfortable when there are unorganized situations and my time is being wasted waiting for something to happen. To me having my time wasted frustrates me even though I probably wouldn't do anything to important with the time of mine that was wasted it still is something that bothers me. My last weakness which I try my best to change is being judgemental. Everytime I see something or someone my first reaction is to judge. I feel that if I put so much effort into something I can judge other people who don't put as much effort into something. I will continue to work hard to limit this weakness and be more understanding of other people's

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