
Personal Narrative: My Overall Educational Experience

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Parsuram Bharati My overall educational experience. Born and raised in the eastern part of Nepal, I was the third child of my parents. The name of my first school was the Balkalyan Boarding School. This was the beginning of my educational career, I had a dream to become a distinct individual in the society. Going to school was always fun, and full of good experiences. My overall educational experience was positive. Ordinarily, my school life was full of fun. I was very good at soccer. We went to play a soccer tournament when I was in class nine. It was organized by PABSON (a school union of our district). It was the month of September, it was a little bit cold outside, birds were singing, It was still dark, I could see the fog passing by. I took a bath and I ate breakfast, meanwhile my mother packed tiffin (a lunch box) for me. I put my shoes, and I left home. We reached the tournament ground, there were …show more content…

I still recall those nights with friends sometimes, walking on the street, looking at the sky and studying together. It was the best feeling. In his essay Malcolm X says “I woke up the next morning, thinking about those words immensely proud to realize that not only had I written so much at one time, but I’d written word that I never knew were in the world.” (Malcolm x, “Learning to read” p-274). The way Malcolm X felt immensely proud, I felt immensely proud when I passed the S.L.C exam. I felt my dream came true Making new friends in the schools playing with them, playing soccer and taking part in the soccer competition and winning the trophy. singing with my friends on the stage and getting the support of the crowd and winning were some of the memorable moments and of course preparing for the final exams of grade ten was the best feeling I ever had in my life. so, my overall educational expertise was

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