Since I started my college, the pattern that continuously happening is sitting in the front row of the class. It was happened in my life when I was in the elementary school, but it wouldn’t stay that long, which I moved to the last row of the class. One day, my friend contacts me to improve my pattern by starting to sitting in front by giving good advices, and it works on it. I used Skinner theory, operant conditioning, to support my pattern. I also used the positive and negative reinforcement example to describe my pattern briefly. While, by sitting in the front row, I start to improve my grades by giving attention to the teachers and listen carefully.
I was never the type of kid to standout in school especially not in the hallway. I was never too tall, never too short, not too scrawny, but the one thing I like to do is make people laugh. Yet even though that was very fun and all I still leave my legacy behind, which as weird, as this sounds, I was the one kid teachers never took seriously, but for the most part I never got that bad of a grade, in middle school(except when it came to 7th grade language arts class).
I went to three different middle schools. The first middle school I went to was Baldwin Arts and Academics Magnet. This was probably the best middle school out of the three. I had the most and best friends. They were all different, and they loved and understood me. The two things I hated about Baldwin were the stairs and the miles our P.E. Coach would make us run. The teachers were sweet for the most part, and even though I didn't do well because I wasn't accustomed to magnet school, they helped me as much as they could. The transition from public school to magnet school proved too tough for me, so I had to go to another school.
In Middle School, where we were still growing up as adults, we did not like following the rules. I was in 9th grade. That day the bell rang for our next class and me and my friends did not want to go to our next class right away. We waited outside the room for our next class and chilled and talked. Me and my friends were in class all day and we wanted to let go of some energy. We kept talking and if our teacher came, we would go into the class right away. Our school did not like students to hang out in the hallway because they made too much noise. We did not care, we still chilled outside the class. We talked about new shoes and what we were going to do after school. It was so much fun because I had not seen my friends since 8th grade and it was the
I walked into the loud building so scared and nervous. I couldn't believe today was the day. The day i'm finally in middle school. That day was the day that I could officially call myself a Vista Verde Middle School student. When I walked into the building the bell had rung for us to proceed to class. On my I spotted one of my very good friends, Esmeralda. After I said hi to her I walked to my first period class which is room 403 and my teacher is Ms. Blasnek.
I remember my journey through the halls of Franklin Avenue elementary school, it only took six years.
When at Park Hill Elementary School I was placed in a kindergarten class with Mrs. Maes. When I first entered the class, the environment was warm and inviting. All the students were interested in what the teacher was saying. After the teacher was done taking, she introduced me to the class and mentioned to the children to be on their best behavior and show their school ROAR. ROAR is a set of school wide rules that all the students follow. Throughout the day most of the students followed these rules, but some students did act out. The teacher proceeded to deal with each situation according to the student. It seemed like the teacher had specific rules to her class in addition to the school wide rules. In the class there was a student teacher,
There is a picture on my fridge of my two best friends and me on the last day of Kindergarten, rosy red cheeks, smiles that could light up the night on our faces, the innocence of being five years old beaming from our bright eyes. An image that might outlast our friendship, but will forever be in my mind. All through Elementary school these two remained my best friends. Our little circle of friendship slowly grew as more people started to enter our lives for different reasons and we developed small friendships that threatened to pierce the bubble of our little trio. Nevertheless, our friendship didn’t falter. I believed this was the way friendship would always be: a tight-knit group who would alway be by each other's’ sides, through thick and thin. And then came middle school.
While growing up I only moved once from a quiet and tranquil apartment to a home near a train and friendly neighbors. The move wasn't that drastic due to me being young but I had to start school. School was very startling at first but as the days went on I became a bit more open. My family was a big help in that too because they talked to me about being myself and I shouldn't be shy when around strangers.
Elementary school is hard. Mrs. Valerie, my first grade teacher, gave us a math worksheet, and it was easy up until I got to the back side. There were four long word problems! What does she think this is: middle school? Only I said it in my head. If she heard that, I would have gone straight to the principal’s office. I started the first one. I read all the words swiftly until I got to a word that I had never seen before in my life. It was only four letters: A-L-S-O. It looked like a whole different language. “When you come across a word you do not know, sound it out,” my mom would always say to me. I started to sound it out. “A-L-O-S,” but it was wrong. “A-L-Y-S-A-W,” I tried again, but it was still wrong. I did this over and over again thinking I was never going to get it. At the corner of my eye, I saw Mrs. Valerie walking around. Oh no, she is going to think I cannot pronounce simple English words. I pretended like I was hard at work on another problem until she walked past me. Now I just had to figure out what the word meant before she came around again. I tried everything that I could possibly think of. I tried to sound out each letter, and I
Middle school, when that word pops up in one’s head, it’s a sudden reminder of dreadfulness,broken promises,regrets,first crushes, and last but not least, learned lessons. Another morning had brought another school day. Seeing familiar faces and teachers I just wanted to get through the day with no trouble, but that’s not always the case. At least it wasn’t for me. Making my way through the extended halls and walls that seemed to enclose upon me, I felt nothing more than like a chained prisoner. The bell rung and I remained seated in my class, surrounded by boxed, outdated computers and rusty white walls, I felt helpless.
In middle school we all used to hang out at the Cambridge city park in the summertime, we would ride around on our bikes and be hooligans. We were always fairly well behaved we would just ride around maybe play catch or watch the baseball games. After the 4th of july we all had fireworks and would mess around blowing stuff up, and just being annoying to everyone around us. Sometimes we would get roman candles and bottle rockets and shoot them at each other which was always fun. Well one day at the park we were using the restroom and i hear a lighter spark up and a fuse start burning, my buddy had thrown a m100 into the toilet. After it had went off there was water everywhere and the toilet was busted in half it was pretty cool to watch but
Week One: This week was an interesting week. I was at my church working and it was about that time for our yearly fire inspection coming up soon. So we were getting all of our building fire alarms panels renewed, and we had this one young guy name Adam Shabli from Cintas who came to look at our building. As the conversation continues we started just to talk about life and he asked me and the campus pastor if we were the pastors here at church. We replied saying yes and he had a shocked look. He said that we dress to fresh that he would of never knew. It was funny to us, and he started asking questions about Christianity. He grew up in a Jewish home, his parents are from Israel. He was shocked when we told him that we read the old testament.
Throughout elementary school, 4th grade - 6th grade was a very eventful one. I was a troubled kid through these years, I was constantly getting written up or getting a punishment. I actually don’t know how I passed, I was always being smart to the the teacher or talking while the teacher was talking. I got plenty of Saturday schools, which is where you have to come to school early Saturday morning and stay for several hours. Eventually, I got my first suspension in 5th grade in Mis.Hammer’s class. I always remembering seeing the older kids that were a grade ahead, I knew a lot of them from the park I lived in. I remember being in Ms.Cholkas art class. We were working on our artwork, and the class was always loud and somewhat chaotic (that happens when you mix paint and little kids).
Middle school is usually not when people hit their peak, I definitely didn’t. I was pretty weird, and shy, and for awhile I took on that whole “emo kid” vibe, but that settled down a bit by this time.
Girls always seem to need someone to go to the bathroom with them. It’s as if they fear when they go by themselves, they’ll be attacked by a troll like Hermione in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They just can’t seem to do it by themselves.