
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Maine

Decent Essays

Our family began traveling to Maine when I was around 10 .It's a gorgeous place but the water is frigid, and it took a couple of trips before I was willing to go in the water. I was finally inspired to do this because of a beach I found. It was so serene, so natural. I happened to have no bathing suit, but this was the kind of beach where you knew something like that wouldn't matter. So I took off my clothes, set them on some rocks, and then slipped into the water. It was freezing. I was only able to stand it for about 10 minutes of it, and then I stretched out on some rocks on an island about 50 yards from the shore. I needed the sun to warm me up. Well, as this was only my third trip to New England, I was not quite accustomed to the massive tides there. After …show more content…

I rushed over to the counter to explain the lady the situation I was in, and I asked her if she had a spare key. Her startled face began to laugh. And she said she did. She went back and got it, and I was just about to rush out the door, when the lady informed me that she had a marvelous idea. She offered to lend me some clothes. I had never thought of that! All I wanted to do was get home. I then heard a snap behind me. A man behind me had taken my picture. The lady behind the counter obviously knew this man, and she began to yell at him. I was too startled to get mad. She made the man promise that would get the roll of film developed before I left, and that he would give me the picture he took. So now fully clothed, and key in hand, I made my way back to the house. Not before I made the lady promise not to tell my parents the whole story. She laughingly agreed. But the next day when we went down to the store in the little town, I got about three humorous looks. My parents saw about two of those looks, and I was in a tight place explaining them. I never did really, but then again my parents never found out that probably upwards of 50 people saw me naked that

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