
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Orlando Florida

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My mom has always had a love for Harry Potter. She read all the books and listened to the audio books in her car. She wanted to see Hogwarts for her self. So where else to go than Universal Studios, Orlando Florida? My parents bought tickets for the trip there, back, and the park. My family left Negaunee early that morning and made our way to the Chicago Airport. We arrived in Orlando around 1:00 am. We checked into our hotel and all fell asleep right away. In the morning, we packed up our little backpack with what we needed and walked across the street to the park. When we were on the sidewalk, it was insane how many little geckos there were. I also found a stray cat a few days into the trip. When we got to the entrance, the man checked our …show more content…

We planed to go to the City walk for one day, and the theme park for three days. The first day was nice to look into little shops and see shows. The remaining days we spent at the theme park. Me and my dad rode most of the rides because my brother and mom don’t like them too much. My mom got to see the hogwarts castle and go on the virtual ride so she was very happy. I got to go on almost all of the rides with my dad in the three days. After the park, we had one day to look around Orlando. We had no car so their was lots and lots of walking. But we did get a bus ride to a mini golf course. The next morning, it was time to leave. All of us shoved everything in our suitcases and got a taxi to the airport.

The next trip I have is when me and my boyfriend Justin went to six flags together. We had planned this trip for a while and it was surprisingly ok with all of our parents. We left around noon in my dads truck. My whole family was coming because they wanted to visit family. We drove for three hours and the truck’s check engine light comes on. It was a Sunday so no shops nearby were open. My dad called multiple places and we managed to find someone to come help us. We ended up at some garage by a cemetery. Everything was

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