
Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Bahamas

Decent Essays

Back in the summer of 2007, my family decided to board a plane and travel to the Bahamas for our vacation. When we got there, we were able to go around to many different places. One of the very first things my family decided to do was going down to the beach. Afterwards, we walked over to the pool to hang out. Later on in the week, my parents decided that we were all going to swim with dolphins. Throughout our trip, we were able to explore the area and experience many memorable events. Out of all of the beaches I have traveled to, I can say without a doubt, that the Bahamas was the most pulchritudinous. The beach was absolutely gorgeous. The water in the ocean was crystal clear. The color of the sand was so light. It almost looked like it was white. My family was one group out of the few who were occupying the area, it was almost like we were on a private …show more content…

We took a bus to their downtown area and looked around at different shops. Eventually, we decided to stop and get some lunch. After looking around we had finally found a restaurant that we were all content with. It was very crowded and there weren’t any tables available for us. The lady who owned the restaurant admired my hair, she was eager to get us a table and food because she wanted to braid it once we were finished eating. The woman squeezed us into a booth with a random man, who was trying to eat his lunch alone. My dad decided to try and talk to him in order to make the whole situation a little less awkward, but the man ignored him and continued to ingest his food. Once the man finished his food and left the restaurant, we laughed about the whole situation and continued to do so for the remainder of the vacation. My family vacation to the Bahamas was one of the most memorable trips I have ever been on. I had the opportunity to see and experience new things. I made a lot of memories, in which I still keep to this

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