
Personal Narrative: My Vacation To Disney World

Decent Essays

Every family has some sort of tradition that they do every year and my family’s tradition is vacationing to Florida to go to Disney World. I am fortunate enough to have gone to Disney many times. In fact, I have actually been more times than my mother. These are always my favorite vacations to go on and I have made many memories with my family on them. I will be really disappointed when my family stops going on these trips.
One of the most unforgettable trips that I have taken took place a couple of years ago. We did not fly down to Florida but rather drove and took the auto-train, and I’m very glad we did. The auto-train was a very interesting experience that I would like to do again. In most aspects, the train was very similar to any …show more content…

There is a good chance that when/if I do have my own kids, I will not have too many specific stories to tell. Even now, the specifics are limited. However, my love for Disney and for those family trips is a feeling that I know will never go away and that is something that I hope I will be able to get across to my kids. Humans have been sharing stories with one another for centuries. It is something universal that all people can connect over and has been crucial to our evolution. When people think back to a major event in history, it is usually the personal stories that stand out the most. They are not just facts or summaries of the event, but the sentiment of real people. Take the Holocaust, for example. No one but the survivors can really know what it was like during that time, but the countless stories that have been told give us a decent idea and will stick with us forever, even after the last survivor passes away. The same is true for The Things They Carried. O’Brien said, “What stories can do, I guess, is make things present,” (O’Brien 180) and he can not be anymore correct. These stories make traumatic events real. So the people that were killed are not just statistics, but real people with families. People who crawled through the

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