
Personal Narrative: Myself As An Orthodox Mormon

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It was the spring of my freshman year in high school. Through the means of various archeological facts, and others personal accounts I had changed from an orthodox Mormon to an agnostic in a matter of hours. I grew up in a family, the youngest of three, of devout Mormon faith. I had always been quite odd as a child, always asking the “why?” and the “how?” of everything Mormon. My intellectual concerns were placed atop of a shelf in my mind and were regarded as “unnecessary,” and “dangerous” by my church leaders and parents. By the end of my freshman year my mental shelf of faith had strained all it could and collapsed. Through my new mindset, I have gained more independence than at any other point in my life. To me, my ability to be independent has been my key to success in learning. My experience has taught me to question everything. Asking questions is not “unnecessary” or “dangerous.” Asking questions and developing your own beliefs in a way that you learn through experience allows you to exercise your independence. After dismissing Mormon beliefs I had to grow up fast and research and visit universities without the help of my parents. My independence has also allowed me to take part in various activities such as the National Honor Society, AP classes, and varsity …show more content…

My research leads me to conclude that the best place for me to do so is at your university, where I can take advantage of all you have to offer, and give back to others as I learn. I am ready for the learning experience that awaits me as I enter into adulthood and my college years. I hope to study nursing and one day become a nurse anesthetist. Nursing is a very challenging career. However, I know that it is also a very rewarding career. Through my experience of discovering my independence, hard work and higher education I hope to succeed in my goals of completing a nursing degree and helping people to my fullest

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