Laura, I completely agree with you that there is really no excuse for plagarizing. We are all under alot of pressure of being in school, working, and juggling so much but for someone to steal someone else's work is unacceptable. Since we are all going through similar experinces for someone in the same position as me would be hard for me to watch. I think that in past experiences when I've seen someone cheat theres a feeling you get where you almost feel cheated, like I put in the work why is it fair that you get to try and get away with not doing it.
No matter what their reasoning is taking someone’s work and making it your is a fraud. Students have many reasons as to why they cheat however none of them are justifiable. They believe that what they are doing is not plagiarize or that no one will find out. Writing a paper is difficult it takes time to write a well thought out paper and that is the professor job to help his/her students write one. They need to figure out a why that will make sure the students will not go to the Internet for help. Tim Gabriel and David Callahan both have different views as to why students plagiarize but agree on the fact the these students are cheating because it is easy too. They also do not have the same reasons as to why students cheat but they do believe that plagiarism is wrong and it needs to end. Either the Internet needs to penalize students who copy and paste big paragraphs, or the university’s need to start putting more effort in educating their students on
Students may accidentally cheat without knowing due to lack of teaching during high school or may purposely commit the crime because they believe they can outsmart their professors. The plagiarists who believe they outplayed their professors because they think the instructors will not see their cheating due to their enormous load of papers and a busy schedule, however, the professors check every paper carefully no matter the workload. In addition to, the professors will always check Google, and many plagiarists tend to forget that the instructor has access to the web address to double check to see if the student stole information. Students who actively plagiarize, remain lazy and seem careless about their future. They have no worries about what copying can lead to because they want to pass, not to learn. Laziness shows the sign of the leading cause for cheating due to students wishing to pay ghostwriters or who copy and paste work from a website rather than paraphrasing. Genuinely confused students who do not understand the concept of plagiarism that well make do with exceptions due to their mistakes although, students who plagiarize have no excuse of their slothfulness because they know the result of
It was record breaking temperatures on this July 4th day. Red, white, and blue filling up the stands. Fans and umbrellas protecting spectators from the heat of the sun. It was about game time and I was getting ready to take the field for the last home game. Butterflies in my stomach, but I had to tell myself “it’s just another game”. Even though in my heart I knew it was not just another game.
One of the greatest life skills that you can attain is to always double check! I unfortunately had to learn this lesson the hard way. Even though obstacles come up, you can always learn from them. In this certain situation, my brother David and I thought that we did something when in reality we didn't.
Monday, October 28th, 1993. This was the day we got caught. Expulsion, suspension, or an 8 hour Saturday. One of these it was my next reality, but which one. “Can Eddie Plant come to the office please.” the assistant principal said over the loudspeakers. I got up out of my chair and walked out of my Math class, and as I walked out I could hear Mr.Simmons laughing. I slowly made my way down the hall to eventually to be staring at a door that read ’guidance office’.
As I stood on the outside of the arena watching teen girls traditional finish dancing, my stomach filled with butterflies. I walked into the arena as the announcer says “Next up teen girl's jingle,” with all the other dancers in my category. It was Sunday, the last day of Indian Summer Pow Wow, and my last contest for this pow wow, this year. Although I was nervous, I was also filled with happiness, confidence, and gratefulness. “Take it away boys” the announcer says. That’s when I knew that the drum group was going to start playing and this meant I had to start dancing.
It’s easy to think that if you are using others work no matter what you are cheating, but when you look at the facts you will start to organize that life has been changed and people have circumstances. Think about taking away young people’s circumstances like part-time jobs, organizations, and sport teams don’t you think that the level of writing will increase. People’s opinion of what originally is have been changed. If two people have the same idea doesn’t mean that one of them copied from the other. The thing that we should understand is that the more pressure that there is the more chance of cheating that it would be. However in my opinion, plagiarism would be one of our major problems in the future.
cracked, that was what he went to retrieve. The guards recovered his body and returned the case to my mother, where she put it away, she never looked inside it, but I often saw her staring coldly at the case from time to time when I was young like she hated the object for getting him killed.
Within the databases of Norton Headquarters, a single text file is kept with considerable security. A humiliating incident in which a virus completely annihilated it’s host computer while under Norton’s protection, and only was prevented from spreading by the host’s destruction. Other than the CEO of Norton Enterprises, the only other being that is informed about the situation is the victim; me, Ace.
This was another choice that I read while in Cuba. Going into my trip I didn’t really know what to expect from country that still remains somewhat taboo. The version of history I was taught told me that Fidel Casto and all he stood for were detestable. Socialism was a dirty word even though I can honestly say I probably couldn’t have properly defined it until very recently. The phrase “history will absolve me” was the closing line of a four-hour speech Castro gave in his own defense after being put on trial for his role in the Moncada attack. The actual record of his defense was not recorded however, the basis of his argument was that the people had a right to rise up and protest against a government the found to be illegal and unjust. The
The whole town was regarding me as some sort of hussie. Most of the people around me believed the fact that my husband was long passed and yet, they condemned me. They must not have understood what I had endured. I had overcome so many trials and tribulations, yet they persecuted me for a slip of judgement. That prison cell offered nothing but respite from the judging gaze that the others had taken to giving me. My daughter and I were waiting until the rest of our punishment was given to us. I worried about my safety, but moreso my dear baby’s. I didn’t know what they would do to her and I hoped it was nothing too severe. My escort to punishment arrived as I got my bearings back. I had finally gotten to feel the sunlight on my skin after however long I had been in that cell.
Before I knew what either of the words meant I considered myself a staunch republican. My parents both enjoyed politics; my mom easily getting riled up over talk radio until we told her enough was enough, and my dad, albeit much more quietly, holding fast in his beliefs. The news was on far too much for my liking, and Sunday dinner was only dampened (briefly) when someone let slip their control and brought up Donald Rumsfeld. For me, this amounted to suspiciously eyeing kids wearing anti-Bush tee shirts - they know nothing! All they do is follow their parents. Scoffing, I regretted their ignorance. Now, in the first month of 2016, a newly minted registered voter, I’ve become jaded. Too many times have I hoped and been rewarded no change. The
At a young age, I moved from the country I was born in (Dominican Republic) to Miami Florida. Moving is not an easy thing to do, I had to leave all of my friends and family behind and become familiarized with uncertain place. I was surrounded by the unknown, everything was strange and so different to what I was usually use to. At the time I could not speak any English at all but that eventually did not matter to me, I slowly started adapting to my new environment and I became more positive. Although I could not communicate well and had a few obstacles I was very organized with my studies and kept very decent grades.
We would be so tempted to go outside, but my brother would never leave until my grandmother prepare something for us to eat, and trust and believe that when the rain falls that’s when you’re hungry the most. I wasn’t a big eater up until this day so I didn’t really care about food that much I would get the food and give it to my brother anyhow. My grandmother would get so upset and tell me I’m going to starve and die, I use to laugh at her and tell her I’m not going to die. I didn’t cause I’m still here so I was right, anyhow I waited patiently so I could go outside an play in the rain with my brother and I had to be quite too if I really wanted him to come. All my other friends would be out there waiting for us but I just wouldn’t go without
"Just, please try to understand. I don't want to think anything for four-five months due to my wife's treatment which is going to have a turning point soon." I said, keeping in mind my plan of making some more fruitful and ultimate change in the treatment.