
Personal Narrative On A Contraction

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That night was excruciating! Hell that whole Saturday going into the night was terrible. Hubby was keeping count of each contraction and they were a lot closer now. Again, I kept waking up through every contraction. I was in agonizing pain, crying and babe was right next to me trying to be supportive. I knew he was stressed and exhausted. I kept getting up to squat and walk around, being on my feet made it a little bearable. I craved sleep, I was so tired and wanted nothing more than to lie down. At 2am l called my doctor and told her what was going on but again they told me to stay hydrated and keep count. I hung up frustrated and helpless. It was now 4am and I couldn't take it anymore. I could not stop crying and my fiance felt so helpless, we both did. We headed to the hospital. …show more content…

Hubby wanted to drop me off at the front of the hospital while he parked the car. I didn't want to be alone and the thought of him being away from me made me anxious. He was the one getting me through this and I didn't want anyone else helping me, so I went with him to park the car. I was in so much pain, we had to stop every few steps so I could let the contraction pass. They were coming in huge overwhelming waves. I couldn't talk or stand through them. We got into the ward and they offered me a wheelchair, I didn't want to use one but my legs almost gave out so I gave in. When I finally got on it, it was so awkward! I was sitting in this stupid wheel chair, having an extremely painful contraction. It felt like it was the slowest wheelchair ever

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