
Personal Narrative On Conformity

Decent Essays

Conformity I was attending McLane High School and I was about 15 years old when I was in a situation that I wish I could of stayed out of. I had two best friends named Lesset and Laura. We were always together and new everything about one another. Well, one day my friend Lesset looked like something was wrong and she pulled me to the side during our lunch and told me that she needed to talk to me. So after school we walked together to her house and on the way there we talked when she told me a secret that was only meant for my ears only. It was something that she had done over the weekend and it involved our friend Laura’s boyfriend. She told me that she was at a party and she was drinking and that Laura’s boyfriend Rigo was there and some how they ended up sleeping together. My jaw dropped, eye wide open, and I was speech less. …show more content…

So, for a week or two I stayed quite but deep inside I was dying of guilt. I couldn’t talk to Laura the same way because I felt fake around her. To also know that she was with that nasty cheating guy was killing me. She didn’t deserve that and I was horrible for not saying anything because what Lesset did was wrong as well. I was bad at lying and keeping secrets and felt like I was not being a friend. But I was so scared to tell her because I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I would ruin a friendship and I could lose my friendship with both of them to. My heart was telling to do the right thing but my brain was telling me of what I would lose and how people would look at me. I just didn’t want to be judged by others and be alone through that process. Plus If I were ever to be in my friend Laura’s shoes I would want my friends to be honest with me and not lie. I was a mess. I couldn’t focus in class, sleep, or even

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