
Personal Narrative: Running For The Texas Technology Student Association

Decent Essays

They announced my name like a death sentence: a summoning to impending death by embarrassment. I took the stage only to be blinded by shockingly bright light and applause that was too quiet compared to my opponents’. As the room quieted I listened with paranoia as the rustling of my papers onto the podium was broadcasted across the hall through the microphone and the camera focused on my face. I started my speech only to wish that I hadn’t run at all; I was just a freshman, what was I thinking, running for state office for the Texas Technology Student Association? After finishing my speech with what felt like a thousand mistakes, I made my trek off stage to the attempts of comforting support and comments from the other candidates, because I knew (just as everyone knew) that the youngest of the bunch had lost her election. The next morning, I sat solemnly backstage as my name was never announced for office. Hours later, I was back on the bus for our nine-hour-long trip back home to the very southern tip of Texas. Those on the bus understood that after the week I had, consisting of narrowly missing qualifying for nationals and losing state office, I was to be left alone, at least for a few hours. The peace was appreciated but left me to only reflect on what had happened over the course of the last …show more content…

With my friends, teachers, and advisors by my side, I pushed myself beyond my comfort zones. I asked them for their opinions of my campaign materials, allowed them critique my speech, and cherished their opinions to improve. Yes, I was still scared running again; however this time I had my friends, those who care about me, with me every step of the way. Now I am proud to say that I am the Texas TSA State Reporter, not only because I was voted into office by the state delegation, but because I was willing to learn from my mistakes and never gave up on my

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