
Personal Narrative: Samantha

Decent Essays

“Is this all we will be doing tonight?” She had to ask because she didn’t understand why he had her come here if she wasn’t going to actually see him.
“For tonight all we will be doing it eating dinner and dessert. I am a patient man, Samantha, and will not go further until you tell me you are ready. And do not mean with words, your body will tell me.”
She didn’t fully understand what he meant but she appreciated his answer nonetheless. She didn’t want to go further with a man she did not know and had not seen.
“Are you ready for dessert now Samantha?”
“Yes, I am ready.”
“Open up,” he said and held her chin with one hand as he spooned in a bite of cold ice cream.
“You know the rule, Samantha. I need you to describe to me what you taste.”

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