
Personal Narrative: Servant Leadership

Decent Essays

October 20, 2015. The day I realized I had to be the voice for those on color guard who could not speak up for themselves. Last year the band directors hired a new coach and we were all excited to meet him and learn about his plans for our season. On the first day of practice, he seemed a little nervous, but the other leaders and I did not think this was a big deal. Within the first week, however, we began to notice some rude comments and odd behaviors. As we discussed how the everything was going, we all decided to let it ride out for a little longer; maybe it was just the stress of the working in a new place. Our assistant coach came to us and asked if we were also noticing his tardiness to after school practices. We informed her of our concerns …show more content…

While myself and the other leaders faced the same emotional and mental struggles as the rest of the team, we knew we needed to appear as the resilient leaders who could take anything to keep our friends strong through the difficult practices. I learned that asking for help from those in authority does not show weakness but maturity in knowing when to seek assistance. While I may not be as trusting the first time I meet someone, I can more easily tell when I should give someone a chance to prove their character. I used this experience as a chance to grow and not as a reason to blame others for a season of trials. The impact of that time in my life has made me a stronger advocate for team moral this season with another coach. While we are only a few months into the season, all of the directors and assistants of the band program have checked with the new leadership team to make sure all of the color guard members are content with all three coaches. Our largest focus this year as leaders is to help our veterans of the program move past the experience and enjoy the opportunities this season has to offer while introducing the new members to the program and the joy of

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