
Personal Narrative: The Basketball Team

Decent Essays

Ella stood in the doorway of the locker room Deciding if she was going to go along with the plan or if she was going to do the right thing. Ella was an 18-year-old girl who was your average teenager. She loves sports, hanging out with friends, and what her fair share of movies. She was a great student who got a's in every class and was the star athlete on the basketball team. Everyone knew that she would go to college on a full ride basketball scholarship. It was two weeks before the state championship game and Ella and her team had been working really hard to win. Every year Ella's team had made it to state and every year they had lost in the first round. Ella wanted to change that this year and so far it looked like Ella and her team are on the right track. They got up at 5 AM every morning to go to practice at 5:30 and then turned around to go to practice at 3 that afternoon. The coach drilled them so hard that they could've done every play, drill, and make every shot in their sleep. …show more content…

Ella and her team dominated the first game and were on their way to the second round. Again they dominated and they were off to the championship game. When the team found out they were playing the Rodchester Falcons they knew it would be a tough game. Ella and her team went out on the day of the game and were doing really good,but by halftime both teams were tied 45-45. In the locker room Ella overheard her two best friends discussing a plan to hurt Rodchester's star player Danielle

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