
Personal Narrative: The Bitter Critter

Decent Essays

The Bitter Critter

In the middle of my bed are my crinkled checkered sheets as I awoke from my slumber. I slowly put one foot in front of the other shielding my eyes as I made my way over to the jarring glare of the sun shining through my window. From my drawer, I put a visor on my head to protect my eyes from the brightness of the sun. The sun beamed brighter as I opened up my wool curtains. Upon opening my curtains, I witnessed something unexpected hiding right below my window pane, in the vastness of my backyard, appeared to be a turkey. The only turkey I had ever seen was the one on Thanksgiving and wasn’t sure how to conceive exactly what I was seeing. After wrestling back and forth with my imagination of what was going on. The realization …show more content…

In an instant, I dashed out the house getting an intimate glimpse of what would be at that present moment my instant pet that I named Al. Once I was in my jungle of a backyard, I began my immediate pursuit of capturing the turkey with my bare hands. The physical grip of my hands lacked in strength and it made Al flee away from me. There were animals that roamed around from time to time in my yard that I knew could harm my pet. Instinctively, I came up with an ingenious project to have garden fencing placed around my turkey where our garden once was. For the remainder of that day, I stood alongside guarding Al against escaping again until retiring inside for the night. As the night winded down I laid down to go to sleep and as I awoke, I already knew what my purpose was for the day, to play with Al. A magical feeling of yearning to play with my pet brushed over me in the same manner as before. However, this time, I opened the curtains to see Al, all I saw were feathers in the …show more content…

Many questions zipped across my mind that I needed to find answers to. There, was a magnifying glass on the table in my room that I took and began stomping the lawn like a soldier. To my surprise, I found out who the culprit was that had eaten Al. The neighbors had a tomcat with light orange with white stripes wrapped around its fur that was the crook. In my heart, I knew he was guilty as he sneakily tiptoed in my backyard and firmly held feathers of my pet inside of its mischievous little mouth. The cat glared back at me and gave a sly grin as he carried off into the sunset carrying on with his day. Suddenly I grew the courage of attempting to chase after the cat for revenge. I was extremely close to catching up that I could taste it. To no avail, all of my efforts had failed, I was too slow, the cat had already gone off into the

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