
Personal Narrative: The Locker Room

Better Essays

Standing on the precipice of temporary fame and glory, Stephen paced locker room. He was about to engage in the first annual Extreme Parkour Lead Dodgeball Event, or, as it is more commonly referred to, X-PLODE. Joining him in the locker room, his friends and fellow team members Jim and Tyler talked excitedly as they finished their stretches. The two chatted back and forth about the girls and free money that this event would cause to pour in.
Stephen continued to pace, his mind in an entirely different dimension. As the team leader, the weight of strategic execution weighed heavily upon his shoulders. Their timing demanded seamless delivery, or the chances of a full-body cast were menacingly high. The last seven months had composed of every …show more content…

This little boy, after skittishly asking for autographs, told Stephen, Jim, and Tyler he wanted to be just like them when he grew up. Stephen chuckled to himself. That kid was signing himself up for backbreaking training, and he probably doesn’t even know where to start. Then it struck him. Stephen could help this kid, and anyone else, do exactly what he does. He could teach all the people that wanted to learn, without having to directly interact with any of them. Now all he needed to do was figure out how.
After tenacious consideration, Stephen decides on starting a YouTube channel, because it seems to have the best options for his personal taste. It is free to operate, and actually has potential to bring in money, if the channel were to become popular enough. YouTube is also the top ranked video sharing website (Martin), so Stephen made a wise choice. Creating a successful YouTube channel is a long and difficult process, but if hard work is put in and the steps are followed, the payoff is well worth the …show more content…

This goal could be gaining subscribers, becoming famous, earning a living, or just having fun. Stephen wants to reach out to as many fans as possible, so his goal will be gaining subscribers. Subscribers are people who have subscribed to a channel, so they receive notifications when a new video is uploaded to the channel. The number of subscribers a channel possesses is a good indicator of its quality and popularity, all though it is by no means the end-all for whether a channel is good or not. Choosing a goal is the first step because it directs almost every decision the creator makes for the channel. (“How To Be Successful on YouTube – Advice &

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