Man of Deception
I was at a gathering with some of my Christian brothers and sisters. We were discussing politics. It was clear the group was not found of Donald Trump, but they loathed Hillary Clinton. I said in a solemn tone, “There has been a significant rise of deception and falsehood that has taken place in our culture in the last few months. People are losing either their ability and/or desire to separate truth from fiction. This is just the beginning. It’s going to get worse in the coming days.” Somebody, perhaps sensing I was referring to Trump, spoke up saying, “It’s been that way for a long time. It was just as bad when Bill Clinton was in office.” (She proved my point.) No — It was not just as bad. When he lied about his affair with Monica Lewinski, the country was outraged. The man was subject to impeachment proceedings because of a single lie. Donald Trump’s lies are so commonplace they have become almost endearing to the public; almost, “cute”. Trump makes Bill Clinton look like a choir boy. Both were philanderers. With Clinton, it was
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When I was a kid, I used to love to watch the TV show, Lost in Space. Oddly, the episode called, “The Golden Man” (aired in 1966), is a great analogy for the above truth. If you are at all familiar with the show, you know the character, Dr. Zachary Smith. He is the spineless troublemaker. While marooned on some planet, two aliens — in separate ships — land on their planet. They are battling each other. The swanky Golden Man comes off so charmingly; seducing the support of the gullible Dr. Smith against his rival alien, the Frog Man. In the end, Dr. Smith betrays the Frog Man, providing the opponent with weapons, only to find out that he is actually a grotesque evil-looking creature in disguise. His preoccupation with the bizarre looking Frog Man took Smith’s focus off of the crafty and subtle alien he should have been watching — the Golden Man. From art goeth
There were several times when act of persuasion seriously affected and deeply changed my life. However, immigrating to United States is on the top of my list that affected not only my life, but also who I am. During my fifth grade year, my uncle’s family called and suggested about participating in a foreign exchange student program. At first, I was not sure if I would be able to take care of myself away from my parents and because of that, I continued to say “no” until in the middle of my sixth grade year. During those one and a half years of hesitation, my uncle had sent me pictures of his house, surroundings, school, etc. Those pictures gave me a whole new perspective about immigrating to United States and helped me build enough
*disclaimer: bare with me... the next 5 chapters are crap because i wrote them over a year ago...chapter 19 will be the start of some great shit*
You've probably heard of a message in a bottle, but have you ever heard of the "Devils Message"? Probably not because it was a ridiculous game my brother, sister, and I came up with when we were bored. We played this game only a couple times but only when my cousin Maxx came to visit did we decide to record ourselves in the event that something funny would happen. The day started just like any other normal fall day. My cousin Maxx was visiting from Johnstown so we were looking for something to do. All of a sudden Joe got the bright idea to show Maxx Devils Message. We all got dressed and headed out for the swing set.
Everything will be okay. A set of four simple words that have been engrained into the very fiber of my being on any occasion that an unfortunate event occurs. Unfortunately, those “unfortunate events” were more so a daily routine. The Tyrant, better known to some as my father was a kind enough man, yet his very presence at home caused an almost suffocating layer of tension in the air. He was a teacher, a beloved one at that, yet to my sisters and I he was more of an undiscovered land mine. Everything seemed okay from above, but below, it could blow up at any given moment, at any given moment he would be set off; he would yell, and more than likely, lash out at me. This behavior was a root cause of my
A few months ago, I interviewed several different actors and industry professionals who recommended a series called The Man in the High Castle. Because I have Amazon Prime, I had seen this series advertised, but I had no idea whatsoever what it was about nor anything else concerning it. I gave the first episode a watch, and I was greatly intrigued. While I am still attempting to get through season one (my schedule is insane at times), I did happen to interview an actor who has been connected with the series almost from its inception. While it has been a little while since I chatted with Lee Shorten, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reviewing this very special interview we had while he was in the middle of filming season two. As season three
I quickly swallowed my homemade authentic Indian food leftovers and gulped down my chocolate milk. Looking down at my watch that read 11:28am, I knew that I only had two minutes until my most favorite part of the day: recess. This particular day in 5th grade, I had run a lap around the playground before getting the rest of recess to myself. As I started walking for my warmup, another student ran up and said, “My parents said that your people caused 9/11.” Completely caught off guard, I held back the tears in my eyes and tried to shake off his comment. I had never encountered something like this.
What do you want me to say? (Throws hands up in the air) That I am so excited to be moving to another foster home? That my parents didn’t want me to begin with in the first place? How can “parents” do that to someone? To be excited to be treated the same as I have been in every other home before? No. These people are going to be just like every other set of parents that I’ve always had, not excepting and judgmental. They will be excited at first to meet me, get to know me, and then a few years down the road, they will say that they can’t connect with me, and can’t do this anymore. If you’re wondering if I care, I don’t and I am not excited. (She turns her body to look at Mike) But you know what? All of this won’t even matter in a couple years, I’m going to be eighteen in a few days, I am not a baby
When In my Mind’s eye his face has been etched since the day I first saw her.
The whole town was regarding me as some sort of hussie. Most of the people around me believed the fact that my husband was long passed and yet, they condemned me. They must not have understood what I had endured. I had overcome so many trials and tribulations, yet they persecuted me for a slip of judgement. That prison cell offered nothing but respite from the judging gaze that the others had taken to giving me. My daughter and I were waiting until the rest of our punishment was given to us. I worried about my safety, but moreso my dear baby’s. I didn’t know what they would do to her and I hoped it was nothing too severe. My escort to punishment arrived as I got my bearings back. I had finally gotten to feel the sunlight on my skin after however long I had been in that cell.
I must have been eight or nine when I started planning with a friend to put on a play. Katie was probably fourteen or fifteen and all we really wanted was to do something with our friends, neither of us having much experience with acting. Looking back now, many years later and a lot more knowledge and experience on the subject, I’d say we were gung hoe and mess up on out priorities. First we started writing a script. Understandably she didn’t want me to write it and she never got much of a chance to work on it except when we were together sometimes. Well we didn’t get very far and our families finally convinced us to start with a play already written. What did we pick? Well, I think we jumped around a little before settling on ‘The Taming
Let’s begin with a typical flashback story. It was a bright and sunny Wednesday morning. As she was saying goodbye to her father, Angela felt as though something was a little eerie. She heard a thunderous noise that was quite common back in the Oklahoma fields, but this time it rattled the entire house and that was rather unusual. Asking her father with great concern, she knew something dreadful had happened. “He told me it was something in the field behind his house, but it shook the house and that has never happened before” (Lira). She turned on the TV and switched to the news channel to see the news anchor broadcasting “BREAKING NEWS” across the screen.. At 9:02 a.m., a rental truck packed with explosives parked in front
I thought registration day would be tiring but I didn't know I'd have to stand in so many lines.The dog, growling and snarling, snapped at me I was so frightened that I ran. The snowstorm dumped twelve inches of snow on the interstate subsequently; the state police closed the road. Professors are supposed to be absent-minded and I've seen plenty of evidence to support that claim since I've been in college.. The suspect said that he had never met the victim however; the detective knew that he was lying.In the first place, it was snowing too hard to see the road in the second place, we had no chains.I have read Soul on Ice but I have not read The Invisible Man. San Francisco is my favorite city in fact; I plan to spend two weeks there this summer.The
The silks fascinated me. Their crimson sheets billowed in the warm breeze, promising to engulf me in their creases, tempting me towards the sky. They were the only thing in camp we were allowed to climb, and though I longed for the familiarity of a good, tall, tree, I knew those twin drapes would have to do. By reclining on the crash mat that lay under the silks to prevent injuries, and half-squinting my eyes, I could imagine that the fabrics reached up infinitely, and I longed to ascend to the top. So of course, I went to the first class.
How many people do you believe you can trust? We put trust in others that they will preform as you expect them to. It varies from person to person as to how much trust you put in them. Some people you will trust to the grave, others you won’t believe as soon as the television remote is missing. Although, when it’s life or death, how far can you trust even your closest friends?
It was during the fall when I realized that I was going to apply to Saint Edward High School. I had shadowed there and many of my friends knew they were going too. I figured that this was the best choice for me and I was most comfortable there. I knew I wanted to be in advanced classes, but then the Mccullah twins introduced me to the IB programme.