
Personal Narrative: The Pantherss

Decent Essays

It was week 8 and the Panthers (white) had recently lost to the Panthers (red). Thus, that was the worst season that the Panthers (white) had had in the past 3 seasons. Meanwhile, we did not have a game in week 9, so the coaches, Klinger and Howell, made us practice from 5 PM to 8 PM Monday through Friday. In practice, one day we found out that we were going to play the Dragons. Consequently, we all knew we had to win or we would be the only team that had not won a game by week 10. Coaches Klinger and Howell trained the defense against the offense constantly. Finally, the defense could anticipate the quarterback’s decisions and the offensive line would protect the quarterback long enough for him to throw the ball to a wide receiver. In summary, the coaches knew we were ready to defeat the Dragons. After our loss to our school rival, the Panthers (red), with a score of 38-7, we created a synergy when we trained together. Our team, and I especially, moved passed the initial sadness. The Panthers (white) became the most determined, levelheaded and hardworking people on the football field. In fact, I was …show more content…

At the time, this angered me because I was unaware of the severity of my injury. The remainder of the game consisted of major plays, but an astonishingly low amount of scoring occurred. Finally, the fourth quarter was nearly at an end. Yet, the Panther’s defense faltered. It had been tricked by the same play that caused my concussion. Then, I saw the scoreboard showed 10-14 with the Panthers leading. The Dragon’s executed an onside kick, but they did not recover the ball. This led to a series of prolonged throws and passes. Nevertheless, the passes wasted enough time, so the game would end in the next 15 seconds. In finality, the Panthers rejoiced as they came to the realization that for the first time all season they may leave in

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