
Personal Narrative: The Tell-Tale Heart

Satisfactory Essays

Amanda C. (Chipmunk) Lara

When I close my eyes I visualize our first moments on March 18th, 2013, and the nervousness I had speaking to you. How I was stuttering heavily awkwardly. However, little did I know that moment would lead into want has blossom today. It makes me smile. Without you in my life I am once again a nervous wreck. But even with these Goliath opponents against me. I shall not wither. You still mean the world to me. I feel dreadful causing this plight between us. Knowing that you're the only woman I want to see across from me.You made me a better person. You gave me the chance to believe in myself and there's no way that I can pay you back. But my plan is to show you that I understand.

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