
Personal Narrative: Thiago's Childhood

Decent Essays

If you were to walk past the only mall in the suburbs of Botucatu, Brazil you might find a young, energetic, Brazilian boy competing in uma luta de pipa, a kite fighting tradition among the youth. You may find him meticulously trimming bamboo for the frame of the kite, as well as lining a plastic bag as the skin of the kite. To anyone, this young boy would seem rather ordinary. His bronzed face. His curly hair. His stained clothes. His obedient demeanor. A child. However, behind these façades lies a story of empowerment– A story of deprivation and fear. My first encounter with Thiago was the summer of 8th grade in Brazil. Sitting on a rugged brick wall, accompanied by his little brother Matheus, Thiago laughed at his brothers attempt to beat …show more content…

At this practice, for the first time, both brothers experience an ordinary life. Both brothers benefiting the privileges I took for granted: healthcare, food, housing, and schooling. In a conversation I had with my grandparents, both brothers are entering high school and are enjoying their position at my grandfather's practice. Three years since I was privileged to meet Thiago and Matheus in the suburbs of Botucatu, I can now emulate the enormous effect their encounter had on me. As a first generation American, Thiago and Matheus story has depicted success more complex. Although many have been taught that hard work leads to financial and social progression, for millions of people work ethic does not provide any chance for these advancements. I now understand that for “people like them” the lack of opportunity is what hinders individuals like Thiago and Matheus. It is apparent that opportunity is the motive for the millions of immigrants that sacrifice their lives and their homes to live the American Dream. The American Dream is not about success but about the opportunity that is given to those who cannot achieve success elsewhere. In the United States oppurtunity is a

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