
Personal Narrative: We Are In A Modern USAmy

Decent Essays

We are in a modern U.S Army. Which brings many changes into consideration.
The modern Army is to become more adaptive and resilient in different situations. I believe leadership is very important because it can influence others. When we talk about influencing others, we are making changes. Many Soldiers do not like changes because they prefer to remain in their comfort zone, and changes in routines are often uncomfortable for the Soldiers. What can we do to adapt to a new environment?
Despite the changes, with flexibility we are able to adjust to different situations. I value the NCO Creed; and I apply the ethos into my leadership style. Do I not only live up to the NCO Creed, but also envision myself executing the oath. One phrase that stands …show more content…

We live in a very selfish society these days, giving and sharing is not as common in many areas. One Soldier’s situation versus my situation can look different. You cannot know how their life truly is until you experience it yourself. Sacrificing for one another can be very challenging; however, in the end it is very rewarding. Lastly, the third phrase that has great influence in my leadership style is, “I will earn their respect and confidence as well as that of my Soldiers.” (NCO Creed) I believe earning respect starts from respecting others first. One of the respect techniques I live by is to treat others how you want to be treated. Respecting others will increase the quality of morale and positive environment. In conclusion, my past leaders positively affected, guided, and influenced my current leadership style. Those leaders have shown me how to be a leader with equal treatment, an open mind, and giving my Soldiers the upmost respect they deserve. I only hope, one day they will learn from me as I did from mine. “No one is more professional than I.” (NCO

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