
Personal Narrative: When I Was In High School

Satisfactory Essays

When I was in high school I was late....all the time. To everything. As much as I wish that this story was about how I fixed that issue, it isn't. I am still late, to most everything, all the time. Why? Well, I have a bucket full of reasons for you; some of them legitimate. Reason one, time is polychronic to me, meaning, it is cyclical and flowing with no beginning or end. In real life terms... it is a suggestion. Reason two, I lack spatial awareness. I cannot decide if a couch will fit in my living room or if I have enough time to complete a tasks in the allotted amount of time. Reason 3, I am a Bplus which means I am chronically over doing things, I have about 75 tasks scheduled for about a 10 minute time period. Add those things together my friend and we have one tardy individual. Most type A or monochronic time perceptive people think this is an issue. Most employers do too unfortunately.

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